been searching for a clip of Bahre,s turn that dumped Addicks player on his ass. can anyone post a clip of this ,had to rub my eyes a bit when I saw it at Oakwell yesterday ,class pure class ,
I loved the one where Lindsay looked to be heading the ball back to Davies, but instead did a few deft headed keepy uppys and came away with the ball. Lovely to watch.
I don’t know if others have noticed this ..... Bahre - average height - but with very short legs - hence very low centre of gravity. He should be able to, and he can, spin on a tanner.
yep that has well ,maybe some talented person can put a sequence of some of the good stuff on the field by our players
I think he shat himself when he saw Davies hurtling toward him and thought ‘****** to that”. Hence the head spin.
To be fair, he's been doing similar all season. I just don't get the negativity towards him. I think he's a pretty decent player and worth keeping