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if there's no stream though mate, how is VPN gonna help? is there a stream elsewhere? is there a stream then, if it's not on ifollow? can't see owt on the iptv fixture lists either?
Since it's not a Saturday game it could have been made available to UK viewers to watch via a stream. This is what Luton have blocked as the home club had the option for new years day and boxing day. It will still be available to "overseas" viewers hence the VPN comment.
so I use ipvanish for kodi on the tv. I put ifollow on the tv via a hdmi lead from the laptop. So if I put ipvanish on tbe laptop, when I log into ifollow it will think I'm outside the UK and automatically show a link to video of the game? Seems too easy?
They have some checking software so not all VPNs work. I think that they also blacklist your account if you get caught so create a second account and then register using the VPN. I have added you to the forum that contains the info. See the tab/forum list.
A game should only go on ifollow if it doesn't impact the attendance. As it's a sell out it should be shown. However a sell out should be the only way a game gets shown live on there.
does anyone know if NYC tyke will be showing it via Twitter?? it really is appalling that Luton don't open the doors to I follow screening. shocking way to treat fans for a sell out game. hope to god we stuff em.