Back in 1978 I sent in a drawing of the kit I wanted us to play in at home. As I recall the shirt was red with one two-tone black and white diagnal stripe, can't remember the rest. Got a letter back from Mr Clarke politely telling me he liked it but that the club was signed up with Admiral, I think it was. If only I'd kept that letter!
I am but we aren't ordering diamond rings or an Aston Martin. It's a short sleeved football shirt so they shouldn't be so difficult to order more of and get hold of quickly.
Liked the first Nike one the shirt with the collar - really like the Puma stuff - this year's shirt and our last promotion shirt are 2 of my favourite ones we've had
You need to understand how it works though. There is usually a minimum order quantity involved. Then, as they are made in Turkey or Far East, you have shipping etc involved. But, more importantly, you then join a production slot system where bigger orders/clubs have priority etc. These cover most sports and clubs across the world. If Puma need to produce another 5,000 Arsenal shirts, that takes precedence. Therefore lead times can vary wildly depending on time of year. I am of the understanding that the club usually have to have everything tied up design wise before Xmas to get a timely slot. Although this may have changed.
I wouldn't mind hummel, love the Middlesbrough and Rangers shirts. It's the only brand that I'm happy to see their logo splashed all over. The arrows down the arms are iconic.
88-89 Lyons Cakes was all red. One of my favourite kits ever. The all white away kit was also pretty excellent. Cooper, Currie, Lowndes, Shotton Futcher, Agnew, MacDonald, Beresford (until he got sold), Dobbin, Baker. A very good side.
I think the kits look a bit naff with our boring generic badge. I bet most fans up and down the country wouldn’t even recognise who it is at a glance.