For those of us with a long memory that is so inappropriate but very funny. I wonder what NDN is up to.
I feel that this song may be (semi) appropriate in this thread. Vulcanize the whoopee stick In the ham wallet Cattle prod the oyster ditch With the lap rocket Batter-dip the cranny axe In the gut locker Retro-fit the pudding hatch, ooh la la With the boink swatter If I get you in the loop When I make a point to be straight with you then In lieu of the innuendo, in the end, know my intent though I Brazilian wax poetic, so pathetically I don't wanna beat around the bush Foxtrot uniform Charlie Kilo Foxtrot uniform Charlie Kilo Marinate the nether rod In the squish mitten Power drill the yippee bog With the dude piston Pressure wash the quiver bone In the bitch wrinkle Cannonball the fiddle cove, ooh la la With the pork steeple, If I get you in the loop When I make a point to be straight with you then In lieu of the innuendo, in the end, know my intent though I Brazilian wax poetic, so pathetically I don't wanna beat around the bush Foxtrot uniform Charlie Kilo Foxtrot uniform Charlie Kilo Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where Put the you-know-what in the you-know-where pronto
There are certain rules on online forums that we all adhere to. But those rules are set with the the average person in mind. Obviously, we should all respect the opinions of others and treat everyone we encounter with the same respect we would expect ourselves. Sometimes we fail in that and recently I made a total **** of myself by being abusive to someone who had done nothing wrong, said nothing wrong and did not deserve my reply (sorry Mario). But you're a ******* *********. And I think we should be allowed to treat those amongst who are dick heads as dick heads. The rules are made for the normal people. You're subnormal and as a relatively normal person I should be allowed to tell you to **** off. Feel free to retort to this BTW, but good luck.