Finally I found time to pick it up to read it.... wow...just spent the last 4 hours reading .. I couldn't put it down to be honest Feed The Beast.. What a book .. well worth the money, I would certainly recommend you read it...
Got it for Christmas and totally agree. Makes you wonder what he might have achieved without the ale and pies.
I'm half way through it. Great read. Next up for me is a book I was given for Christmas " Quiet genius" which is a biography of the late great Liverpool boss Bob Paisley who despite Fergies impressive trophy haul is up to now, the most successful Manager in British football history.!
I won a signed copy at a BBS meet-up in Royston after the Donny game. He certainly is a bit of a lad.... By the way, I'm happy to pass the book round the lads that were there that night, I'll bring it next time I get up to Oakwell and give it to Ian (stahlrost).
It does. He says he doesn’t regret his approach at all. Although surely deep down, there has to be that ‘what if’ feeling, by keeping his fitness levels higher and staying off the booze. Either way, fair play to him, he made a good craic at it.
Bob taking a few trophies back to Hetton le Hole his hometown in Durham. He’s an ex miner and I think these are some of his ex colleagues