From a St Johnstone fan Greg Browning @Browning84Greg 9h9 hours ago Why do small, provincial, Mikey Mouse English clubs like Barnsley think they can insult Scottish clubs with embarrassing, degrading and pathetic offers for the leagues best players. They should be fined for time wasting. #stjohnstone #jasonkerr #Barnsley
Come on. Lets not get all Wednesday. If the 100k figure is correct, then it is a piss take offer tbf and we would be equally naffed off if boot were on the other foot. Still shouldnt be insulting folks clubs though.
I suppose a lot of negotiations start with a cheeky bid, to gauge reaction of a club. If serious, than higher bids follow. Likewise with our players, i assume bids have probably been made, but doesn't mean we are going to sell.
Just ignore them, what’s the point getting involved? It’s the same with Peterborough, just ignore them & leave them to be the small club they are
Who is this Mikey Mouse he refers to? To be fair though he is making a good point and we'd say exactly the same if it was one of our players.
Don't know how any posh fan can slate us. That away following they brought this season for a team in the play off was pathetic. Glad I'm.not on Twitter.
Loads of their fans hate us. MacAnthony or whatever his name is likes to have a dig as well. It annoys me a bit when our fans engage with them. We should just leave them. We’ve got the wins over them, we’ve beaten them & we stayed up over them. No reason for us to even entertain them
I'd go as far as saying Barnsley have played pretty much all their games in Europe, if not all of them.
He's their best player though. I can hear all 1900 fans inside McDiarmind Park singing his name darn here!