I drove back from Whitby this morning. At some points you couldn't see a couple of foot Infront. And the fog lights were needed! I lost count of the number of morons that didn't have ANY lights on!! Including the one idiot who decided to try and overtake every car! I know it's harsh, but a tree would have taught him a lesson!
Not me. I have no idea where my fog lights are. When you're in the middle lane, you daren't look up to find fog lights.
Malibu and pineapple? Cocktail sticks all over the place. Absolute nightmare. And some folks expect me to know where the fog lights are.....
Never thought of using a straw! I'll try that next time, as long as it doesnt interfere with the Chinese ribs that I'll be eating!
I had my eyes lasered 10 years ago and the only downside to it was headlights being a bit too bright, so I give them a little taste of what it's like for me (providing nobody else behind them).
Same for me, I also take care to turn them down when cars pass me on the other side of the road. The full beam treatment usually works quite well.
Last week, no hint of fog just a bit cold there they were people with fog lights on. Never mind Brexit all our hatered needs directing to them and people driving Honda Jazz and that Toyota Euranus or whatever the frig it’s called. All first against the wall when I take power.