It weren`t too serious a post just pointing art this Stendel can do wrong, the same was said abart Hecky, whilst a lot improve not all and a team coming together improves everyone. Dougall is alreight but his rochdale and Oxford performances were no where near owt we had seen previous, will that change hopefully.
How has he gone backwards? He hasn't been able to get into the team since injury due to mcgeehans great form. Given a run of games in sure he would find his early season form again but you can't drop Cameron at the minute.
Soon see, cos if you’re right Adam Davies will be gone due to being too old when his contract runs out.
Hate to say it but totally agree. Was the right decision even though I probably didnt think so at the time.
Interesting use of the wording "pace and power"- Thiam has far more to his game than just that, and such language is often used (subconsciously of course) to typecast black players. I'll attach some good reading for anyone interested. It's easy to fall into using language like this, but it's good to look introspectively sometimes and realise that the wording we use might not be entirely appropriate. I do agree with what you're saying though, Thiam is a top top player who just needed a run of games to prove that.
Lawrie Cunningham, Mark Chamberlain, John Barnes even at our level Winston Campbell had pace and skill, tricks up their sleeve. From what I've seen the strengths to Thiam's game are....pace and power....and a shot that's....powerful.
That's a pretty reductionist argument. I'd say that his excellent vision and quick decision making are just as important as his pace and power.
Jesus Christ. Are you claiming that somebody saying thiam has got pace and power is racist for saying such a thing? Regardless of his skin colour he has got bags of pace and power. They're fantastic attributes of his and 8ts nothing to do with typecasting. Rooney is a player who also had pace and power to burn and he's about as far from thiams skin colour as you can get. Am I allowed to say he had pace and power without being racist
"Language like pace and power"?? They're just two descriptive words for christs sake . Can we please not assign racial connotations to completely acceptable words?
Stand by what I said. Yes they are descriptive words, but words used disproportionately towards black players, and there is no denying that.
No. It's not a reductionist argument. From what I've seen of him they're his major assets. The reason the liberal cause is suffering at the hands of far right lunatics around the world is ultra pc claptrap like this. You're enabling the likes of Trump and Farage. I'll stand up to anyone who spouts racist bile on here as will many others but I ain't going to criticise someone for a perfectly acceptable assessment of a player's attributes.
Hi Midlands. What do you think Cavare's strengths are? Is it pace and power or is it decision making and positional awareness?
Hammill would still have been very useful in this squad, coming off the bench on the wing he would be brilliant, and would have still been scoring and assisting goals!
Loved Hamill. Great at this level last time we were there. Scared defenders to death. Apart from the odd game or moment of brilliance he wasn't the same player in the championship . The quality of opposition had gone up a notch and he just couldn't get the same joy against them. There are half a dozen or so clubs at the top of this division who could have signed him if they thought he would give them something extra, but he's ended up at scunny who are lower mid table. Time to remember him fondly but move on.