No it isn't, I have no sympathy with anyone caught speeding, tell that to someone who have lost loved ones to speeding drivers.
All monies raised towards going on a speed awareness course goes to the speed awareness program not the Police or so they told us on one I went to.
It was the council that issued the ticket but, as with traffic wardens, if they see you committing an offence (in this case parking on zig zags outside a school) they should issue a ticket personally if possible AND explain why as that way it should help with safety of the kids.
If you are in the position of losing someone due to speeding you have my sympathy but the fixation with speeding and cameras annoys me. Dont get me wrong Inappropriate speed is a major cause of accidents and needs to be addressed but inappropriate speed can often be inside an arbitary speed limit. Also speed limits can be set to low see my post about 20mph as a limit on the M25 when its dark and traffic is light for example Also round us now many of the rural B roads have blanket 40mph limits - you try driving at 40 for miles on straight country roads with little traffic and keep full concentration - losing concentration is the biggest single cause of accidents. I have been nicked for speeding in the past - doing 50 on a stretch of dual carriageway with a 40 limit at 1:30am I think the cop only booked me for speeding because he was miffed I sailed through the breathaliser - thats a tricky one - during the day 40 was probably fair - but this was through a commercial area and there was genuinely no one about - except a police car in the layby - which I saw at a distance of 150 yards but he had already got a reading. It would be much better if we had more police on the streets though - the number of drivers I see on the phone, tailgating etc which is far more dangerous than say doing 80 on a clear and quiet motorway - is really annoying.
I could not agree more with this assessment. I encounter the same situations many times and have also faced the problem of trying to slow to 20mph on a near empty motorway with a lorry bearing down on me. No-one can say that it safe, it is ridiculously dangerous and it is only a matter of time before these stupid application of limits on motorways are cited as a main cause of a pile up. I have seen instances where the limit in lane 1 is different to the limit in lane 2. How on earth is that in any way rational?. One guy gets banged for speeding when the guy overtaking him isn't speeding?. Give me strength. It annoys me when people have a blanket attitude that all speeding is wrong, without any recognition that sometimes it is the posted limit that is inappropriate. It suggests to me that they are such sticklers for the rules that they don't understand the difference between speeding generally and inappropriate speeding. For example, in general the limit on rural roads is 60 unless the local authorities have consciously decided otherwise. But many of them are narrow and winding and doing anywhere near 60 would be lunacy. But it wouldn't be illegal.
Agree 100%. They are dangerous. As is the concept of all lane running without a hard shoulder. There is apparently the suggestion this week that the powers that be will / should review their roll out. What idiot needs to be told that not having a hard shoulder is lunacy. Imagine breaking down in lane 1 when it is an active lane - stuff of nightmares. Sometimes the authorities in this country are brain dead.
I think you'll find that statistically, the hard shoulder is the most dangerous lane on the motorway. Not having a hard shoulder on a smart motorway is the way forward....these smart motorways are all camera'd and sensored up and lanes can be closed within seconds if there is a stationary vehicle. Basically DSL (daft silly lad?) thy ent a clue. As for the brain dead statement, how ironic!