What Javid has done is unlawful. He can not revoke citizenship in this way in these circumstances. By all means throw the book at her if/when she returns, but Javid's action is unlawful. End of. Aren't we fighting Isis to protect the rule of law? (And I have no regard for Corbyn, btw).
https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.ne...=2176f11b6c37ad52a8fd8998039c0c3a&oe=5CEFE76B maybe one of you could explain her rights to this lady or to Lee Rigsby's family any takers on that one no thowt not let her rot
Folk may not like it, but she's British and not state less. International law dictates she must come back to the UK. She may stand trial she may not. The whole Syria and Yemen situation is a proxy war. Does anyone fancy kicking out of the country the politicians who have sold the hundreds of missiles to the House of Saud that have killed innocents? The very people who promote the ISIS Wahabist doctrine? Or let's just follow the word of the Daily Mail and Mr Robinson or whatever his real name is. Mr Javid playing to the right wing gallery, instead of upholding the law and keeping our standing in the world.
What's the chances of her actually being charged with anything whatsoever, pretty much nil I would guess. She has already been portrayed as a victim with excuses being made for her in the mainstream press. I was bewildered watching Kevin Maguire making excuses for her for what she said regarding the Manchester bombing victims. This is the same guy who was vicious and scathing about Paolo Di Canio being named Sunderland manager yet an ISIS supporter get a defended. I just can't work it out.
L I can appreciate a simplistic approach based on stupidity we would all like to live our lives like that. Unfortunately or maybe not we don’t live like that.
Course we do ! I know we could call it Islamic state or summat , Great idea then we can all be bad and have medieval values , just like yours
He will never win a genral election because of these strange views which differ to 90% of the genral public.
I'm afraid to say that I agree. We probably can't throw the book at her either. She obviously has a certain perception screw loose. Maybe it can be tightened.
I tend to stay away from these kinds of debate, they tend to lead nowhere - however, she has shown no remorse for her actions, publicly stating that the Manchester bombing was "justified", say's to me that she is still an IS supporter at heart. I for one applaud the home secretary for taking the action he has. To all the people who say that what the home secretary has done is unlawful - are you lawyers by any chance. The decision was not taken lightly, and I'm sure he would've taken "expert" advice before doing so.
Yeah il do it because I’d like to think I’m not a reactionary racist. She has rights as much as you or I, if she returns then let the justice system deal with her. It’s not nice, it’s not pretty but when humans do wrong the law deals with them not the Lynch mob.
Mr Javid will undoubtedly have received legal advice from Home Office lawyers, who will be high calibre. But no competent lawyer will have advised that his decision is lawful. He has in my view probably acted contrary to advice and made a political decision. No doubt he will have calculated that by the time his decision is overturned by the courts (which is a certainty) a period of years will have elapsed. He may even hope that by that time he will have been elected leader of the Tory Party. No matter how unpalatable this young lady's views or actions may have been, there is absolutely no excuse for a minster of state flouting the law. The rule of law and the upholding of a rules-based system of international relations are values that are under threat from terrorist organisations. There are means by which any crimes she may have committed can be acted upon. Her current demeanour and the presence or absence of 'remorse' are to my mind utterly irrelevant, and do not justify us from departing from our own standards of behaviour as a nation state.