My view is simple. The law is the law. We abide by the law and don't try and circumvent it for political gain or to give perception to a certain group of our society at a particular time. I completely agree that if/once we're out of Europe, we are in a position where a right hardening conservative government will play to its gallery even more. Having EU laws supercede ours for me has always had the benefit of suppressing convenience for what is agreed law. May, despite her obvious lies of being centrist and looking out for all, has a very hard line record for anything to do with people and rights.
If she was called Jane Smith and born in Barnsley to British parents, she would have to come back to the UK, be arrested, face trial and any punishment that was handed down. I would have no issue if she received a life sentence if she had committed crimes that warranted that. Apparently we now expect Bangladesh to take her (even though she has never applied for citizenship and never been) in spite of her support for a terrorist organization. They have already said they won't. We don't at the moment know if she was groomed (or by who), or committed any crimes on UK soil that we can sentence her for. Allowing the home secretary to do this just on his opinion is the start of a slippery slope, and as others have said why not with the ~400 men that fought for ISIS and have been allowed to return over the last few years. He is also going against the official Home Office advice that was published just last year.
Sorry to repeat myself, but (and not knowing the full ins and outs), he does seem to be in the right - if also the minority. I suppose it comes down to if we want someone to leave the country that is correct but unpopular due to (correct) decisions made, or someone who isn't but (in this case) appeals to popularism.
Hypothetically... IF the law regarding High Treason still applied in the UK and the death penalty for someone found guilty of that offence still existed, I wonder how many clamouring for the UK Government to 'uphold International law' and bring her back for trial, would still do so. Similarly how many of those proclaiming "they should leave her there to rot" would suddenly change their tune and want her brought back to be tried and sentenced? Those stating categorically (and I am surprised at Orsenkaht given his background) that Javid has broke International law should be absolutely clear that this may not be the case. Her age apparently MAY have something to do with it. Below the age of 21 if both parents are Bangladeshi Nationals she can be regarded as a Bangladeshi citizen even if she has never been to the country and so holds dual citizenship and has no other connection other than her parents. In this case, If the UK has withdrawn the citizenship first it could well be a case that it is the Bangladeshi Govt who breach the International law i.e. when the UK withdrew citizenship she WAS a duel National. If subsequently Bangladesh refuse entry/ deny citizens rights it could therefore be at a time when she is no longer a holder of duel citizenship. If the situation is unresolved when she reaches 21 then everything changes. This also is totally hypothetical of course but no more so than people stating that the HS & UK Govt have broken International law.
Both her parents aren’t Bangladeshi. She isn’t a duel National of that country or any other. Hypothetically or not. Facts.
Double standards from the labour party though, McDonnell called for anyone who went over and fought for Isreal against the Palestinians to have their UK citizenship revoked. And yet they call for the Jihadi bride to be let back in. But there’s no antisemitism in the current labour party, yeah right !! Won’t vote labour again until these friends of the IRA have long since left the party.
High Treason was plotting against the crown, so we have seen executions for the likes of Guy Fawkes for it (although Guy Fawkes actually died of a fall before he could be executed) and William Wallace, but also for men that had affairs with the Kings consort, or daughters, or being Catholic priests. The original punishment for High Treason was death by hanging, drawing and quartering, which was significantly worse than it sounds. Unless you like the sound of having your male bits chopped off and burned in front of you, along with your entrails while you are still alive...
Theres quite a few white folk in those internment camps from all over Europe. They want to go home as much as she does and i suspect reading a bit more into where shes being held for the same reason. So she isnt testing the theory of gravity.
Yes Jeremy let's get her back in the UK the tax payer can pay for her a new identity so she gets no bother, we will find her a house for her and the kid, housing benefit will sort that, obviously she will need to be monitored by security service for a long time as she has been part of a terrorist organisation and still is she shows no remorse or regret so that will be another costly process. Great vote winner Jeremy. This woman is a terrorist she has shown no remorse we should do all we can for her not to re enter our country I'm all for seeing the good in everyone but no thanks.
Should she not be better investigated, tried, convicted (if found guilty beyond reasonable doubt) and serving a sentence than allowed to be free?
Again as per the original reply... do you know over 400 Isis terrorists have been allowed back in the country?
That sounds a better idea than taking the chance that she tips up on a beach full of British tourists , AK-47 in hand five years down the line .
Where have you got that from? Not saying you are wrong but every source I havwe seen states she is born to Bangladeshi parents. Begum was born to Bangladeshi parents in Tower Hamlets East London, England, in 1999.She was largely brought up by her mother Shahnaz Begum until 2007, when her father, Mohammad Uddin, moved to Britain If you know different what is your source?