It showed what the rest of the players thought too. Not one of them backed the manager. All it needed was a player or two to go and tell the keeper to get off but they all backed him over the manager.
looks like Sari will be on his way..... if not then that keeper will be on the bench until he does go.
Keeper needs selling never to play again for them for not being a team player. Manager needs firing straight after the game for letting player power win. New manager would be working with a team of players with a heart of a pea for refusing to back the boss by making sure the keeper went off.
I can fully understand him wanting to stay on and asking to stay on. Surely the physio should have made the decision. Manager can't see from the sidelines what a player's leg is like, keeper is likely to lie.
I can understand why he wanted to stay but when the board goes up you come off. No excuse whatsoever.
Even after the board goes up I can understand him putting his hand up and signalling he's ok giving the manager the chance to realise he's not injured and change his mind but not after the first attempt
And then the keeper makes an absolute balls up and let's an easy save squirm past him Chelsea are a club in crisis