Except the majority of that list can be written off as ******** straight away. Take Mary Mahoney. She hadnt worked closely to Clinton and the list includes her simply because a white house person who's name begins with M was about to go public. Mist have been Mary right? Umm no that M stood for something else. Any guesses?
I haven’t researched them all, nor am I saying it is all fact. I am saying it is an interesting list with a lot of names on it.
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/clinton-body-bags/ This is my favourite line from the article: "We shouldn’t have to tell anyone not to believe this claptrap..."
There's no wonder Trump won when people like you are willing to take a list of names at face value as evidence of a massive murder conspiracy. Critical thinking is a dying art in today's world.
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/raynor-died-expose-clinton/ Seriously, with some of the stuff you have been posting recently, you probably need to stay away from the Internet. You seem to believe anything you want to read and then posting it without actually checking it is true first.
Might be a slight clue here why the good people of America put Trump in the White House and not the "femenist doormat".
Ah yes Snopes, that bastion of truth and impartiality, working hand in hand with the likes of Facebook and Google and the bulk of the mainstream American media to discredit anything that might derail the democrat narrative (or damage brand Clinton). If Snopes assured me the sea was wet I'd drive to the coast to check for myself.
This thread displays a typical argument structure these days: 1. Put forward a dubious argument with no credible evidence in support. 2. Someone posts a reasoned rebuttal with evidence. 3. Rather than backing down or thinking critically about the initial argument, simply state that the rebuttal is itself fake news and part of a mainstream media conspiracy. 4. Repeat step 3 in respect of any further rebuttals until the other party tires of arguing with a moron and gives up. 5. Claim victory. Remember kids, if you keep shouting "fake news" you can't win the argument but you can make the argument unwinnable.