Looked lost and out of his depth thus far, Charlton at home aside. Ive questioned once or twice if this guy is a footballer or someone who is blackmailing Stendel over some love affair back in Germany. But nows the time to prove me wrong, bag double figures before the end of the season and get us up.
He looks to avoid goal scoring opportunities to me. He likes these fancy flicks and step overs in the middle. However, when he gets near the penalty box he goes to jelly.
Bahre not the answer I am afraid. Couldn't hit an elephants arse with a shovel. Looks like big Victor, Mammadou or Browny to go up top with CW and hope for the best.
I must be the only one that rates him highly, I love watching him play, when he gets the ball he's got lovely feet and always looking up to create something. Can't know much about football judging by the other comments on this forum but for me id start him every week, pleasure to watch.
Wouldn't we all, but then again if he was a prolific goal scorer adding to the attributes he already has he wouldn't be a division 3 footballer.
Playing in the position he does his role is to support the striker and play in the hole i too think theres a very talented player in there but the question remains in the time he's been on the field his contribution for goals/assists is poor and to say how comfortable on the ball he is in the middle of the park his arse falls out whenever he gets near the 18 yard box which surprises me. Playing in this team with the positions he's been in he should have 4/5 goals and more assist now. With Moore out we need someone to help contribute with the goal and based upon what ive seen Mike isnt the answer i'd prefer to put Brown up tops who'll put himself about and chase the ball down opening up a start for Hedges or Green or try Victor and keep Brown out wide. Cauleys' twice the player when he has somebody at the side of him. Im not writing Mike off just think we need a more attack minded player on the field.
I thought he was playing very well after getting a run of games before he got injured. I think he just needs some game time to get going again. I never understood why people write him off already as he showed a lot of a promise as far as I could tell.
Time one of the others was given an opportunity to step up IMO looks to be a manager favourite does Bahre, I would have him coming off bench when we are comfortably in the lead just to chase the ball down.
Watkins had a ridiculous amount of assists he was either the top or close to Conor for assists and chipped in with goals. He got alot of praise. Bahre needs to up his game.
I mean we could have had the option of playing Moncur or even Mallan in the number 10 role, 2 midfielders who score goals...
You're not a Tigger Tyke I feel the same. He had a decent cameo at Gillingham & believe he helped create one of the goals there. He also had that classy run down the right flank vs Wycombe - took out 2 defenders, then peach of a cross over the last defender, only for Woodrow(?) to miss control. Would have been a fantastic assist. I hope he gets a good run and can prove the doubters wrong, but does need to step up soon.
More frustrating to watch than pleasurable for me. Has plenty of ability and some of his footwork is terrific. Too lightweight though in this league, gets knocked off the ball too easily and often gifts possession away. Also has so far produced nothing at all in the final third. Would love him to be the answer but I just don't see it.....
I like him & think he’ll get better for us - not a striker though. Options include: Mama up front with Hedges on left Hedges up front Brown up front (Hedges/Green in) Push Cam further forward with Kenny coming in Lots to ponder!