Disgraced ex- Sunderland player Adam Johnson is being released from prison today after being given a six year sentence for sexually assaulting a 15 year old girl. He's served half of his sentence and is now moving into a £2 million quid house on his release and apparently could be looking to resume his football career in China. Opinion seems divided. A number of folks are saying ban him for life, whilst others are saying that he's been punished and deserves a fresh start. What does anyone else on the board think.? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...on-seven-bedroom-mansion-released-prison.html
Can't legally ban him from perusing employment it's down to the club's on a individual basis to make the call. Can't see anyone in England taking him on.
He's apparently getting released on the 22nd. No club in this country would be stupid enough to sign him up, but he will have plenty of clubs abroad wanting him.
Whys he only served half his sentence... That's the question we should all be asking..... Not only with his case but all the others that take place .... That are proven without doubt
I know that Trev... But only doing half the time makes a mockery of the justice system .. His and the many other victims out there have a life times burden to carry .. That's what I was getting at mate... Surely time handed out should be X amount plus Y... Keep your nose clean and Y gets binned.... They then do full time handed down at sentencing... Initiative is still there to keep noses clean
There isn't the prison space. The government are looking at scrapping all sentences of less than six months, which will give free reign to all the robbing barsterds out there. Tough on crime, strong & stable, my arse.
I remember seeing him play for Leeds against us at Oakwell (3-2 McIndoe game) that was about 13 years ago. He surly cant have long left if he is to resume his playing career?
I imagine that somewhere there would be an English club willing to snap him up. There doesn’t seem to be many morals in our game. Convicted killers were signed on their release from prison. No reason why a nonce wouldn’t be either
The judges know what will happen and sentence accordingly. If the judge wanted him in prison longer then he would have been given a longer sentence.
Is there really any difference though? It wouldn’t go how you think it would. Say now someone gets 10 years, but let out after 5 for good behaviour, it wouldn’t end up being 10 + extra time with no good behaviour, it would be 5 + another possible 5. Essentially all sentences would be halved.
Gary Maxine (assault), Lee Gughes (death by dangerous driving under influence of drink & drugs), Ched (yes, I know it was squashed but hardly a ringing endorsement for Role Mosel of the Year) - all played afterwards. Adam Johnson will have to live with the shame for good - people will eventually forget (except his victim) but he has ruined an excellent career - any way back is very long & very winding!
No chance an english club would take him. It would be PR suicide and additionally he's been locked up for 2 years and is now knocking on in age, the risk far outweighs the positive. A team in Asia might take that risk but I doubt it. He's 31 years old and not played a game for 3 seasons. Plus he's a convicted nonce and the best thing for him to do would be to keep himself out of the public eye in his £2m mansion.