Who’s the big lad with dreadlocks? He’s unit as well. No need for security on their team bus is there!
Yeah, it's liquid dynamite. Two half litre bottles knock me out and make me talk stupid. ..... and I've got 120 bottles of the damn stuff !!
I think thats where r Cameron got it wrong with his appeal. He didn't have enough priced wiring to bribe the FA. They need the copper.
If they appeal, when would the decision be made and would he be allowed to play tuesday pending the decision if it was after?
Maybe the FA will look carefully at film of the fight at the end, including in slow motion, and decide that more Sunderland players should have been carded by the referee and suspend some of them, or charge them with failing to control their players. Or maybe they won't.
If the appeal means he can play on Tuesday he will miss the Final for them, so have to factor that in as well
It was a melee involving most of the team and the bench. I hope they do appeal and the FA find another 3 or 4 players did something worthy of a red that the ref missed. Could end up with half the team suspended.
I’m not sure how anyone can judge anything at all from that footage. I’d imagine they’ll appeal so the delay will free him to play against us anyway....?
Easy to judge just zoom in on the Wycombe technical area. As Sunderland are taking the throw he marches into their area and raises a hand to one of their guys. Totally unacceptable and a red card. A soft one as it was hardly a knockout blow but you can’t do that. If it had been our player I wouldn’ t even bother appealing. What grounds can they use. “He only hit him lightly in their own technical area” That said I expect he will be playing against us on Tuesday I’ve no doubt he was provoked by Wycombes timewasting tactics but that’s not an acceptable excuse. The fa could review the footage and red card at least another couple of players on both sides but I doubt they will
It’s at the end of the month but that wouldn’t have applied anyway, all the different competitions have separate suspensions and disciplinary rules, it’ll be league games only
Jack Ross seems to think it could affect them, so perhaps he’s wrong as well. He is quoted as saying if the Fleetwood grime is postponed due to call ups he will miss the Final. Therefore if he plays Tuesday he will miss the Final
Ok, maybe the competition specific thing that came in this season is only for yellow card accumulation then, thought it applied to sendings off too
I’m also very confident it will get overuled, probably with a public apology from the officials and a 2 goal head start against us on Tuesday. In fact once the fa look at it they’ll conclude that pinnock and mowatt get a 2 season ban