Thought he was outstanding again yesterday but yet again he often moves as if he’s carrying an injury. That and the constant stretches he does throughout the game. Does anyone know if his back is still causing problems?
I think he did take a slight knock yesterday during a challenge. Seemed to run it off though. He misplaced a few passes but defended superbly I thought.
He got injured yesterday not long before half time in a challenge on the halfway line. Never really recovered. Needs to stop grabbing people and hauling them to the floor still and learn how to play a long ball. Oh and how to concentrate when Davies is passing him the ball.
Defended superbly I thought. Needs to cut out the Hollywood passes that rarely come off, but he doesn't try it as often as he used to so he's learning.
He's an outstanding centre half at this level and if we do go up i think him and Pinnock would be championship standard.
Unfortunately, promotion or not, I think we're going to struggle to keep hold of them. Whenever there's such a struggle we tend to lose.
There was a time when he couldn’t pass water last season. It’s still not brilliant but it’s a lot better. His reading of the game this year has come on leaps and bounds. That ball Davies gave him yesterday was ludicrous.
Sadly I fear you're going to be right about both of them. Our only hope is that if we do go up we offer them excellent contracts and they believe in our manager to the point they are happy to give us at least one season in the championship.
They both have contracts that end next summer (Not sure if pinnock has a option for another year) so unless they sign new deals we will cash in if a decent offer comes.
I think we might hold on to Pinnock but lose Lindsay. He seems to have the most suitors, not sure why as I see Pinnock as the better of the two this season. Lindsay is deemed more equipped to do the same job at a higher level in the game, I think we will get bids in the summer.
Not sure about that, been alot of talk with him been linked with Brighton,brescia,stoke and villa but that could be just his agent stirring the pot. We have never had a offer. He played really well yesterday though his distribution was lacking but apart from that solid game was unlucky not to score he headed straight at the keeper with a bullet header.
He did somthing in the 85ish minute that made me react a way i never have before at Oawell. We had a corner, they cleared it up the field and I’ve never seen anyone put in as much effort that late in a game as he did to get back to his defensive position, throughout his sprint I was on my feel cheering it like I would a horse I backed running to the finish line. Love it Lindsay. These lads just love clean sheets.
If we hold on to to Lindsay or not you can guarantee he will be holding on, if football doesn`t work out for him wrestling will.
I really do think he's an unsung hero for us. Gets plenty of unjustified criticism in my opinion. He is a true 'get the job done' professional. No bravado, solid in the tackle, doesn't go balling at the ref or retaliating when getting rough treatment from opposition strikers. His only drawback is his long range passing isn't brilliant, but if it was, he'd have been long gone and for big money. I think Pinnock overshadows him because of his unorthodox running manner, as in he runs like a triple jumper but is a player of sheer quality. You know you have a good player on your hands when people jump on the occasional mistake (ie penalty at Burnley) because having a solid performance with no mistakes, from him, is perceived as standard. Top, top player. Amen.