Thing is, are they any good? Is it worth getting in early to see them, seeing as it's a free performance? I'm usually in my seat ten minutes before kick off so should I make the effort to get down earlier?
I hope plenty make an effort and they are well received. I'm a big fan of live music and totally in favour of improving the 'Matchday experience'. But it's a Tuesday night with a shabby weather forecast so I hope neither the band nor the organisers are too disheartened if there aren't vast numbers who get there early for it. It looks like the owners are experimenting, a little, with ideas to get folk in the ground early. Perhaps these two initiatives may have been successful if they combined them on a Saturday in April (better chance of decent weather) and did a live band alongside £2/pint with special dispensation to drink in your seat til say 2.45. But I really hope these ideas are dipping the toe before unveiling a Fan Zone next season, so I hope it is well supported.
It’s hard for me to get there even on time on a Tues night so I’ll be there 10 secs before kick off as usual. If weather is terrible I may even push it to 5 secs
No matter what we do we have no chance of getting the Alchys in earlier. Hell, we’ve all on keeping them in their seats 15 minutes before halftime. I thought the game had been abandoned for a sec on Saturday with the amount of folk leaving for the concourse 15 minutes before half time.