Just had a glance over to see how they were feeling about the big one tonight, however all they seem to be talking about is the ldv checkatrade paint cup final. Hardly any threads on tonight game, surely good for us that they see that game bigger than ours. But got me thinking, I don’t really seem to remember us getting that excited about it. Admittedly when I was there I loved every minute of the day out but at the time the league was always the priority for me personally. Regarding tonight, nerves have started to hit already and I’ve got a feeling I’m gonna feel like this for every one of the remaining games. COYR!!!!!!!
https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/pitch-inspection-for-tonight.1465545/ https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/score-predictions-v-barnsley.1465389/
Cheers Marra! Pitch inspecton part is funny tho, Suns beaming on the town at tho moment. Me and all my marras are lapping it up sinking some pre match jars!
The more discerning among them probably feel the same as us but the deluded ones seem to think it'll be a walk in the park cos we're missing Moore. Predicting a goal from Woodrow and then the clamour to buy him will begin!
I’ll say this, they certainly give the Wendies a run for their money in terms of arrogance. ‘Tin pot’ this and ‘easy game’ that.