if they are based in Ghent last time I looked that's in Belgium .so well done Belgium port workers[/QUOTE] Ok let me start again. Calais' in France. the french were on strike. The Belgian competitor of mine lost business because they move their goods on trucks through French ports to get to the UK. (although it's a french owned company but that's a technicality.) I'm not sure what the Belgian port workers did to upset my customer - but hey more power to them as well if they had a hand in it.
Well done - that's the spirt Provide evidence to support your assertion. Brilliant. Now try it with all that project fear nonsense you refer to and we might get somewhere.
Ok then. here's a debating point for you.... What do you suggest we do about a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland? How's that going to look in terms of disasters when bombs start going off again? In fact they already have.
Ok let me start again. Calais' in France. the french were on strike. The Belgian competitor of mine lost business because they move their goods on trucks through French ports to get to the UK. (although it's a french owned company but that's a technicality.) I'm not sure what the Belgian port workers did to upset my customer - but hey more power to them as well if they had a hand in it.[/QUOTE] expand on this post I have tried to answer all your points
here,s a brief appraisal so far , labour mps are to blame for brexit we can accept chlorinated chicken and hormone fed beef they dont need us more than we need them the Irish can go f--k themselves Irish trucks can get to Europe without travelling through the UK the French are rioting remainers are sheeples we cant have our cake and eat it we don't hold all the cards there is no other deal no deal is a no deal please feel free to add
As far as the UK is concerned there is no need for a hard border between the UK and Ireland. Irish citizens have a right to work in the UK from before the EU - no reason why this should change post brexit on the UK's side. We wouldn't want to impose tarriffs on Irish Goods - we buy most of their agricultural produce exports anyway and manufacturing is negligable in Eire. Imports from other EU countries via Ireland just doen'st make economic sense. The problem is the EU's not ours. It is they that demand the hard border not us. If Ireland were to go inside Schengen - that may change - but whilst they are outside Schengen I think we're ok. I might be wrong - but that's how I see it. Something to be mindful and repsectful of - but nothing worth spoiling the whole deal over. Lets face it - this is a technicality. There should be a free trade deal with no need for hard borders. On the subject of bombs - I don't see why we should capitulate to the IRA. Do you ? Should we accept they have won? Cos I think capitulation to the IRA looks worse. Can't you remember the songs that were sung on the terraces at Oakwell? You might predict bombs will start if we have a hard border. Don't you think there will be bombs if we don't leave the EU - just from UK terrorist. The Jo Cox incident shows what could happen all too easily. Which terrorists do we give into? If the good friday agreement is that important the Irish should consider leaving the EU. - this is equally as valid a position as the UK staying in the EU just because of it. Or do we just agree a free trade agreement and the UK continue to accept the free movement of Irish like we've done for years.
Once more it seems the elite have convinced you to believe a bunch of puppets are actually the elite. And Dyson is a right red herring - how moving a small head office function to Singapore can be linked to Brexit is beyond me - and a clear demonstration of the gullibility of folk. Working mans wages are up. Only real thing I can see. There is a company where the MD's wife is and MP. The sales directors Dad is an MP. The owner is a Billionaire and makes donations to political parties. The company is suffering from higher staff wages - brought about by brexit, More expensive goods due to the currency leading to lower profits. But the staff are getting paid more. There was a report on the impact of brexit - negligable impact as long as everyone played ball and no Shenanigans. This was manipulated by the FD to massive risk of shortages... **** me - no influence form the elite and political classes to project fear there then.[/QUOTE] So you know the "project fear" story about workers rights being eroded by Brexit? It seems you are in favour of this, probably in favour of privatisation of the Health Service as well. I seem to remember a report saying that families were worse off since the Brexit vote - food prices etc. That part of project fear seems to be correct as well. The exchange rate devalued more than 10% overnight after the vote, and it still hasn't got back to where it was. Seems project fear was right about that also.
No - I'm not in favour of any of the ideas promoted by project fear. Not in favour of that either - or seen any evidence of it due to brexit that is. What I have seen is the Nursing school on Manvers closed down specifically because the Labour Govt of the time knew it could get trained nurses on the cheap from the EU. Saw that report too - but not noticing it in my pay packet. Have seen official stats on inflation and pay rates which suggest first rises in real wages for a while. Can only conclude the report is one of those BS things - so fairly confident completely project fear. Self fulfilling prophecy this one. Can't argue it's not real. Can only contend that it's a short term blip and long term the natural order will return. If this were really a problem inflation would be sky high. But it's not so high. So can only conclude it's no big deal. Except when you go on your foreign holiday - and frankly -maybe we should all go to Bridlington instead and help the balance of payments and the local economy if it's so bad..
I just told my Irish girlfriend that they should consider leaving the EU to save the Good Friday agreement. I suggest you come over and tell her to her face and then stand well back. How absolutely preposterous and arrogant to suggest that another country should make the same stupid decision we have to protect the peace in Northern Ireland. It is OUR problem. Not theirs. As for giving in to the IRA. I'd suggest you look at the other side of the terrorist divide too. Have you any clue how long it took to set up the Good Friday agreement? Do you actually appreciate what a knife edge it always sits on? While you're waving your little Englander flag of No surrender to the IRA you might want to consider that when all this is over all you'll have left to wave is in fact The St George cross. Or are you going to deny all our friends up in Scotland another independence referendum given that they voted heavily in favour of staying in the EU. Maybe they should be made to suffer just the same as Ireland?
where do you get your last statement from . imports from the EU into the UK would save the UK importers massive amounts especially on meat and dairy products where we intend to impose hefty tarriffs,.at the expence of uk farmers .what you fail to grasp is the fact that this is not only a border between the UK and the Republic of Ireland but a border between the EU and a third party country (the UK),. do you seriously believe the EU ignores this and leaves an open border in Ireland . Open borders would lead to smuggling, tax avoidance, and criminal acts like people and drug smuggling , this would inevitably bring in the paramilitaries because of the amounts involved and a resurgence in the violence ,you can poo hoo this as much as you like but you can bet your ******** if bombs start to go off Barnsley wont be exempt .
p.s.. As for there being no need for a hard border with Ireland...…..I thought that was the whole point of coming out. So we can control our borders. It's what a huge swathe of the Brexit vote wanted. No immigration, no one being able to just walk into our country. So it's actually your side that want the hard borders...so you can keep Johnny Foreigner out. And despite all the diversion and deflection...you still haven't provided a solution to the problem.
they considered this when casting their leave vote but thought the Irish Republic would be bullied into doing what we tell them
"And Dyson is a right red herring - how moving a small head office function to Singapore can be linked to Brexit is beyond me - and a clear demonstration of the gullibility of folk." 'Small head office function'?? He's building his new electric car production plant in Singapore because he could get a much more valuable trade deal with the EU from there!! All the while saying the UK would be better out of it.
Wow - I would have paid money to see that... Fantastic. My actual proposal is a free trade agreement with no free movement of people other than the Irish. I think this is a reasonable suggestion. I'm fairly sure this would do the job better. But you know - if I'm being asked to accept the crushing of democracy and accept a facist dictatorship running rough shod over the will of the people I think it's ok that I'm allowed to make some off the wall suggestions myself. This could be a laugh... Let me think about it and get back to you. I think we now get into the real nitty gritty here. We see the entitledness and hypocracy of remainers. How you can get angry at a technical suggestion I make as part of a debate to demonstrate the mirror of your suggestion. What I suggest is equal to the preposterous suggestion we should remain in the EU. My anger at what you suggest is equally valid as your girlfrieds at mine - maybe more so as you are actually serious. But hey - democracy is not that important is it. Just as long as you get your own way. No - Mr. Churton - I think you'll find it's you that is the hypocrite not me. I'm quite happy for self determination. Which is why Scottish and Welsh MP's should only vote on UK issues not English Issues. We should have English Devolution. We'd end up with a Conservative English govt and potientially a socialist UK govt which would be a bit **** - but I think you'll find I'm all for democracy and self determination. Or would you seek to overturn a referedum vote in Scotland that you didn't like too?
Exactly my point. Yes I voted remain and still think we’re better off doing so - but leave could have been done in an at least orderly and less damaging way. The problem now is they have to deliver an exit from the eu - but none of them actually want to do it as they’ve ballsed up any opportunity they had to reap benefit. All we peasants can do is sit back and watch them fiddle while Rome burns, and then have a say in whatever election or referendum comes back our way. There seems likely to be one or the other in the near future, be it a second ref, a GE or European elections as they’ve extend A50 beyond May.
Oh dear. LIke I said a clear demonstration of the gullibilty UK folk to project fear. The Dyson vacuum cleaner plant has been in Johor Bahru just over the causway in malaysia from singapore for about 20 odd years maybe more. I remember visiting it back - lord knows years and years ago - late 1990's. I wonder if he moved his factory there because it was easier to import into Europe than from the UK. Or perhaps some other business reason.
I'm not sure the Irish have been seen as the problem what with us having the free movement. of people with the Irish since 1923. Come on - this is clutching at straws.
Well haven't you just spiked your own argument?? He is building his new car plant in Singapore. New car plant. Announced, amazingly, just weeks after Singapore struck a huge new trade deal with the EU and after countless wibblings from him about great the UK is and how many new trade deals we'll strike once we're out of that terrible EU. I think even you can work that one out....