I'll just answer your first point. How are you going to enforce free movement for the Irish and no one else without a hard border? Still waiting for a solution rather than pie in the sky suggestions of how you can ignore the basic problem.
You still don't get it do you ,we are not negotiating Brexit with the government of the Republic of Ireland, we are negotiating with the EU, the RoI being a member nation of the EU which is more than Happy to ally themselves to the EU on this, can I ask how does your free trade agreement with no free movement of people other than the Irish work , are the Irish going to have to wear green shamrock cloth badges sewn onto their coats ,and ID numbers tattood onto their forearms .
Do you think there was ANY chance in hell this plant was going to be in the UK. All Dysons manufacturing as far as I know is in and around Malaysia and has been for years. I can't say I'm over the moon about this - but the point you make is that he is building his cars in Singapore rather than the UK because of Brexit. This simply isn't true..
yes I absolutely get it. We want to control our borders to allow in who we want. Regardless of the other clubs they are a member of. If only we had a system currently that we could use. Like the one which allows us to only employ those from within the EU without a work permit. Maybe just maybe we could adapt that system and use a type of identification like passport or a national insurance number..... Crazy idea I know - but it might work..
I don't think we want to stop entering. You know like tourists spending their money and that.. I think we want them not taking our kids jobs. Come on lad. Keep up.
EU migrants in the UK are statistically more likely to be working, more likely to be paying taxes and more likely to pay more taxes than UK natives. They are also generally better educated, and more productive in employment.
Labour closed a nursing school for cheap EU ?what rot , and you talk about project fear ! There’s nothing stopping cheap nurses in your analysis coming from Philippines etc so to blame EU is non starter. The rules the EU are implementing are the rules we helped make up so stop listening to Farage about EU democracy etc he was voted as were other MEPs democratically the fact he just pissed his money up the wall rather than represent those that kept voting for him is incidental . All the EU legislation is passed either by democratically elected MEPs or democratically elected govts all of which will have been voted for . It’s nonsense to say it isn’t Democratic that’s just blown up by the Fsrages of this world becsuse they couldn’t get their way . The only unDemocratic thing about this sorry mess is that the Brexiteers take us out of EU on a advisory only referendum mandate .
You still don't get it do you ,we are not negotiating Brexit with the government of the Republic of Ireland, we are negotiating with the EU, the RoI being a member nation of the EU which is more than Happy to ally themselves to the EU on this, can I ask how does your free trade agreement with no free movement of people other than the Irish work , are the Irish going to have to wear green shamrock cloth badges sewn onto their coats ,and ID numbers tattood onto their forearms . And I thought you said we should have an open border , that means a border with no checks , we cant have our cake and have checks as well can we. it looks like you are trying to square the circle , the only effective way to control our borders is to have border points and passport and customs control. if you know of any other factual and proven established method now in use then please tell HMG . they will be well pleased,
You want to stop people entering the UK illegally. Therefore, you need hard borders. And after your latest come on lad keep up comment I'll leave you to your patronising arrogance and wish you luck in persuading Ireland to leave the EU to suit the failed agenda of the brexiteers.
The University of Sheffield had the nursing school at Manvers. It lost the contact to train nurses in South Yorkshire in 2005 to Sheffield Hallam University. Shortly after that Manvers was closed and IIRC that building is now part of Dearne Valley college. Both Universities still train nurses and the University of Sheffield also trains doctors and midwives.
Nobody can tell me that the whole thing is nothing but an unmitigated disaster. The vote only happened in the first place to save the Tory party from UKIP. The splits in that party haven't healed, only spread to all parts of society, even this board. The whole affair was a massive mistake. Whatever benefits we could get from leaving, and I struggle to think of any worthwhile ones, are not worth all this chaos. Things were much better before this vote business actually happened. Thank you Messrs Faridge and Cameron.