Its a town full of people who think that theyre better than the rest of us. Apparently it has more going for it and we’re just jealous. As I’ve said fkin delusional
More going for it but they are poor at supporting their home town club. I don't like to go all Wednesday but I've seen my club take 35k to Wembley in the fa cup semi and in the championship play off final. We had over 13500 home fans on Tuesday for a 3rd tier game. Donny is a bigger town than barnsley but they could only dream of those numbers their ground is a newbuild soulless bowl in the middle of a shopping center...
True, but we've had a much more consistant history playing at a higher level for a long period of time to what they have had.
It's a shame these threads descend into jibes about one place being rougher than another. It's irrelevant to football and Donny Durks apparent dislike of us. Donny and Barnsley both have nice and less nice areas, just the same as everywhere else in the country. We don't have to go down that route.
Even when they have got to Wembley the turn outs have been poor wasnt it 15k in the league one final for a larger town that's poor. Look a Luton dump of a town, average size club in league one but always decent at getting behind their team/town decent away support small budget.
I’m getting a subtle hint that trickster two six isn’t a fan of Doncaster? Well, in the interest of balance, i’m a season ticket holder, have supported Barnsley since childhood for over a quarter of a century. And apart from stints at uni and briefly living at the in laws in Scunthorpe, I’ve lived in Doncaster for all of my life. Some points: 1. Doncaster is a football town. There’s just not much uptake for the Rovers - in fact most of the people I know who go are actually premier league team ‘fans’ who see donny as their second team. Bizarre. There are also multiple buses/coaches put on for both Leeds and Manchester United. When I went to school nobody stated they supported Rovers at all, of everyone I can recall I think there were half a dozen Liverpool fans, maybe a dozen Leeds, one Wednesday, me supporting Barnsley and all the rest, scores and scores of them, Manchester United. I’ve never lived in Barnsley, but have a long standing connection. From what I’ve seen it’s little different. Barnsley and the surrounding area is full of Wednesday, Leeds, manure fans. Also like donny, Chelsea and Man City shirts have started popping up. 2. Town full of gypos? Full? There’s a best guess of about 3000 gypsies and travellers combined in the whole borough, less than 1% of the population - the vast majority of which are housed and in work. Last count 587 people in caravans. A lot more than Barnsley? Yes. Hardly loads though. Don’t let facts ruin the agenda. I’d also like to add that I’ve not had any experience whatsoever of any issues of criminality from travellers. When I worked in a bowling alley years ago their kids could be little ****.s - their dads got them sorted pretty sharp though. Theft, burglary etc is no more prevalent in their community than any other, So why is having a larger than average traveller community so bad exactly? 3. Delusional? From what I’ve read that seems to be based in the main on the ramblings of a single person you used to work for. I live here pal. I don’t see or speak to anyone who thinks the place is particularly thriving. It has things going for it, stuff it hasn’t. Our town centre is full of spice heads, folk in tracky bottoms and fake Nike air max, and homeless folk. Is Barnsley any different? I don’t think so. I don’t see anywhere in the north outside the big cities thriving much post brexit though. 4. Robin Hood airport. Do you think anyone from donny has anything to do with calling it that? Do you think if we had any input we’d refer to it as Doncaster sheffield airport as well? Behave. The name was ridiculed as much by donny residents as it was anyone else. It was the decision of the airport owners to market it as sheffield and name it after ‘Robin of Loxley’ for wider appeal. As a barnsley fan I fail to see any big rivalry with Doncaster rovers as a club. More the sheffield clubs. As a doncaster resident I don’t see what you claim to be fact. In fact i know you’re not right. I think you have issues you need to deal with Trickster. That much anger isn’t healthy, there is no reason for anyone from either town to have a superiority complex over the other. You say you saw it working here. I suggest your sample size isn’t indicative and your attitude towards donny taints that. Nobody here has the right, and they don’t, see it as a haven and better than most other places. Barnsley as a town isn’t any better.
My sample size is 15yrs of working and interacting with people who generally believe ( in my experience) that the people of towns like Barnsley and Rotherham are beneath them. Care to admit it or not from the outside looking in ‘pal’ there’s a snobbery about your town that never sat easily with me. Just my opinion of course, maybe it was the people of ‘outer bessecarr’ I came across, maybe it was the people who subscribed to East Side, I don’t know. It’s fine to be proud if your town, but not to claim that it’s that which it isnt
Bessacarr and the bessacarr wannabes in Cantley don’t represent all of the borough though do they? And as for east side magazine, it is a magazine covering solely that part of Doncaster, including Tickhill and particular Bawtry. Plus north Notts, by which I imagine Retford and that way on. And Rotherham...That haven of gorgeousness... The snobs monthly covers Rotherham too. You’ll not get many articles about Bentley. Or subscribers in Hexthorpe or Balby. Places like Bessacarr are full of ten bob millionaires, yes the two cars on the drive, fook all in the fridge set you describe. That isn’t Doncaster in a nutshell though. If you’d based your argument on their being a general air of arrogance and snobbery about folk from bessacarr, Tickhill, Bawtry. Top end of Sprotborough. I’d have no argument. I’ve said the same myself, had a few run ins with some ‘interesting’ characters who thought themself something. Those wards are the only ones who return Tory councillors too. They aren’t enough in numbers to get Tory mps on any of the Doncaster seats. Are there no areas in Barnsley with, let’s say, slightly more expensive (overpriced) housing? With range rovers, BMWs and Audi’s - on tick - galore, and residents who look down on most of the rest of the town? Course not... That would describe areas in every town and city in the country. So no there is not an air of snobbery about Doncaster as a whole. If anything it’s inverse snobbery, a lot of folk taking too much glory in having nowt.
Think I mentioned that my brother in law lives at Bennethorpe, family hails from Bentley, so many sovereign rings its no wonder they drag their knuckles but still they think they’re something special. of course Barnsley has its snobs, but as a town we look forward not down and we certainly dont try to make out we’re something we’re not. Danum this and danum that you’d think Ceasar himself had fkin lived there. Anyway pal we’re just going around in circles so I’ll leave it there.
My mates a GP in Donny. A female patient who was a traveller, came to see him with two very distinct green marks at the top of her thighs. My mate got a wet cloth and with some effort,managed to rub them off. She looked surprised when he told her, " you need to tell your boyfriend his earrings are not solid gold." !!!!
One of the most hilarious things ever to happen in Doncaster, was when the Labour controlled Council voted to establish a permanent Gypsy caravan site, slap bang in the middle of Bessacarr. At the time, I worked for the Council and as part of my job, I had to submit reports for consideration by the elected representatives. The number of protesters at the Mansion House whenever the proposed camp was up for discussion on the meetings agenda, was nearly in excess of the crowds Donny Rovers were getting at their home games.!!!