What a strange world we live in. We have air travel and technology yet countries are decades or even centuries apart in terms of attitude to race and culture.
I'm not sure that's the biggest issue here. Monkey chants in 2019 are absolutely embarrassing for all involved.
I never get why the chant considering we all of us evolved from apes. Really cannot fathom why the colour of skin defines you more than hair colour or eye colour. I don't know much about Montenegro but they need a dose of education about racism.
UEFA's prompt action is to be applauded. Danny Rose was apparently racially abused as early as the fifth minute and Raheem Sterling was also a target. As some have said, as a detterent for the future, the least punishment the Montenegro FA should recieve should be a heavy fine and being made to play future games behind closed doors. It might be argued that it might be a tad harsh, but there are some that advocate that they are totally removed from the Competition. Might be OTT, but it will send a message to any other Countries that have racist supporters that bigotry and racism has no place in today's football and society in general.
It's the way we react that annoys me more. Rose ran round the field kicking Montengro players and gesturing at the referee every time he was tackled. There was also no need for Sterlings gesture to the fans either.
Are you joking? If id have been subject to that level of racist abuse I would have done a lot worse. I think players are well within their rights to walk of the pitch if they are racially abused so I actually applaud all of our black players for how they acted last night and I would go as far as saying they are a credit to our nation and they should all be very proud with how they responded to these backwards, mindless racists.
Yeah but what if Rose had been sent off and Sterling banned for insighting the crowd? How would that have helped? Leave it to the authorities. They're better than that.
Just been listening to the BBC News bulletin. Sterling maintains his gesture was a friendly joke between himself and Callum Hudson -Odio and it was in no way meant to offend the Home supporters.
UEFA has a great track record of "punishing" racism from fans. Not much more than a slap on the wrist. If the England set up want to support and protect our black players from this kind of abuse, my suggestion is to bring the players off the field and refuse to reappear. Then, as a further sanction, refuse to play further games against the offending country. Mind you, this would probably cost millions in lost revenue and may lead to us being kicked out of international competitions but it would be worth it cos we'd have done the right thing in supporting our players. I can't wait to see this happen, but I think I might have to because it's easier to cry, bleat and complain about it rather than do something that has the potential to damage England PLC
What is annoying is that the only action of UEFA will be to make them play their next home game behind closed doors. Like Hungary, Italy and many East European countries Montenegro have form. It needs a really tough decision, like ban them from the competition. I know that would mean us forfeiting three points, but we will win the group anyway and just imagine the impact on the other nations with imbecilic racist supporters. It would certainly put the wind up the fans of higher ranked teams like Italy, Hungary and Poland.
A ban for me should be enforced. In the eighties a ban on English clubs in Europe made us as a country take hooliganism seriously.
What an incredibly elitist attitude you have, we don’t have a better culture than any other country. Stop being xenophobic. This isn’t the time of the Emprie.
No but is the time that a lot of our national team lads are black yet there expected to go to countries where racist abuse is not only tolerated but also encouraged by some people in football and even governments so yeah in this situation as bad as things are in this country we can point fingers.