Nail on head. We need a radical change to our political system, but how? Don't ask me, but two parties baying at each other across the floor isn't the answer for the 21st century. Any ideas on a postcard to HM The Queen, please.
I generally enjoy the debates, and more often than not they are of a higher standard than those on newspaper forums...most of which are pretty dire on both sides of the political spectrum, the Guardian's tend to be as bad as the Daily Mail's, just better spelling....unlike the newspaper itself. I can't say I've changed my views in the main, but I have learnt things, or learnt to consider things I hadn't maybe considered before, which makes it worthwhile. We may or may not disagree on some issues but there are some cracking posters on this board who I have a lot of respect for. It's a shame when people get wound up...reasoned debate is the first casualty...if something annoys me I tend to leave it alone and re-read it a little later, sometimes it comes across more reasoned.
Recent report says that in the imminent EU elections Anti-EU parties are expected to win a third of all seats. Theresa May did not 'negotiate' a deal - the EU worked out what conditions the wanted to impose on the UK leaving and the agreement was foisted on her. (the EU want to hang on to the UK because they know that once the UK leaves other countries will follow) Does anyone really know what the 'Norway solution' or the 'Canada solution' is all about. Can anyone explain what the Irish backstop is all about - (apart from it being a mechanism to make it almost impossible to May to get her plans approved by Parliament) Can anyone give us some empirical evidence as to why a 'No Deal' may be catastrophic. If it really is so potentially catastrophic for ALL EU countries why doesn't the EU make some concessions so May can get the Deal passed in Parliament. Why doesn't my M.P. back leaving the EU when a majority of his constituents voted to leave. Why is the May deal regarded as an end result when in fact it's only the first step in what will be long negotiations. (Could go in but can't be arsed!)
Vote for whoever you wish. Would hate to live in a dictatorship country like North Korea or some east African country where you aren't even allowed to have your own beliefs, mindset and opinion.
Much rather that than live in a town with even one Tory living in it. Anyone who votes conservatives should never be allowed in Barnsley again. Labour till I die, like my father and his father before him. There is no other option.
There are plenty of options and i'm sure people will come to their own conclusions based on the times we are living in, their experiences and the issues we are faced with: this is i believe called democracy.
Democracy gives any old fool a chance to make a mess of the world. The US General election, Scottish Independence and Brexit, all horrific decisions made by your average punter that knows nowt. Not everyone is as intelligint as people like me so it’s an insane policy to put decisions into their hands.
Pointless debating with extremists: this view is at odds with the socialist values and principles i try to uphold. #redkestrel
it isnt the thicko fool man in the street that has caused the problems in this world, its politicians
he isnt the only one on this board that thinks the masses should not have been allowed a say on brexit and most of these think they are socialists