Put as many snide remarks on here as you like, but never forget... the people who voted for it haven't gone anywhere....
That’s true, can’t exactly go very far when they live in a council house in the middle of Kendray and on state funded benefits
Blame Charles Dickens who used it originally in Nicholas Nickelby. At the time, it was a reference to what was seen as rich, powerful white men with a ruddy complexion (imagine the stereotype of a Mayor or politician from the 1800s). More recently it is a snide nickname for those overweight men with high blood pressure who seem to be angry at everything and have skin colour similar to that of uncooked gammon. Many of which voted to leave the EU and spend all their spare time in Spoons.
Just hold this thought... (Barnsley Residents) The next time your at Oakwell, walking down Eldon Street, shopping in the Asda, or drinking in the Pogey club. Take a look around you at the people. The fact is, the largest vote in History and that 70% of those very people, voted to leave the EU.. 7 out of 10 So don't be jumping up and down too soon... cos their still here...
Disgrace isn’t it, then again I say I’m from Sheffield now to anyone outside the area. At least then it’s nigh on 1:1 but usually you can tell who voted which way anyway by their demeanour and ability to hold a conversation without using expletives in every sentence.
Think I have missed the point of this post as Brexit is still out there, nothing has changed in terms of leaving? As for the word Gammon, i find it ironic that Remainers call Brexiteers thick and uneducated but resort to childish, playground insults.
Yep, but I'd bet that a fair few of them voted leave only as a protest, because they felt completely disenfranchised from mainstream politics, and ignored by central government in Westminster. I really don't think that they actually, actively want to leave the EU, because they haven't got a clue what it means, what it would actually entail, and how it would effect their lives. I know I haven't.
Apparently it's a term for angry, typically fat, old red-faced men. 17th century I seem to recall, there was a piece about it on radio 4 recently. It suddenly became popular again last year.
Never really had a clue what to vote but after so long I’ve came to despise a lot of remainers. Throw dummy out because they can’t get their own way. Also I was in Derry last weekend visiting my grandma, a bunch of unionist remaniners protesting. They soon got silenced and went for an early bath put it this way. Yes that was the republican area too. Looked like the p1ssing hoobs bus.