But no decision is ever safe. Nor should it be. The world is constantly changing, circumstances shift. You cannot write policy in stone and say it should never alter. If you did women wouldn't have the vote, neither would you or I, we'd still be hanging people and homosexuality would still be punishable by jail or castration.
Unfortunately up in Barnsley people hate foreigners or anybody that ‘dun’t look like em’ and that’s the reason they voted the way that they did. I’ve got battered from pillar to post on here for being a Remainer and it’s made me realise, this town doesn’t deserve people like me nor does it want me. Somebody made a half hearted comment about me moving to Leeds but they aren’t really wrong in the grand scheme of things. I’ve decided I don’t want to live in this town anymore with these people and support this club that represents this bitter town. I’m going to support Leeds instead and try to move there, Pompey are doing well so maybe you should look to supporting them. It’s a shame but I don’t want to live in a parochial town full of little Englanders. I can’t wait to leave and all those who voted remain should do too Over and out.
Let’s face it though this govt have a track record of backtracking , it’s like doing the locomotion backerds . This Ladys for turning .
The AV referendum in 2011 was legally binding. It had a clause (IIRC #8) that stipulated the minister would produce legislation to change the law based on the result of the referendum. So, that referendum Act was legally binding and the 2016 one didn't contain a similar clause, so wasn't binding. Interestingly, there was a referendum in Wales about devolution in 1997. The result was a narrow vote to create a Welsh Assembly. Now this was under the Blair government and they eventually enacted the necessary legislation, but the biggest opponents to this were much of the senior Conservative politicians that are insisting they should always honour the results of a referendum.
You havn't been "battered from pillar to post" on here because you're a 'remainer', you've been battered because you cannot have a reasoned debate with anyone. You also make ill-considered comments and judgements, some of which are quite frankly bonkers. You come accross as Jimmy Viz and Red Kestrels ******* love child.
I get sick of remainers calling leavers xenophobic without even knowing the person. The reason I voted leave had zero to do with foreigners. When we joined the EEC it was just a trade agreement and that's how it should have stayed.After various treaties we've signed away our right to govern and instead are ruled by Germany and France. Why do we need another level of government? Anyone remember what happened to South Yorkshire County Council? The EU is more corrupt than FIFA and is a gravy train for anyone that can get on the bandwagon. I've seen first hand consultants and training companies make millions out of useless NVQs for warehouse pickers, forklift truck drivers etc. No end of millionaires have been created through EU money. Build a warehouse, rent it cheap for 3 years and then bugger off to the next enterprise zone. Where's the value for.money, especially in places like Barnsley where there is zero investment. Go to Madeira a little island with tunnels, dual carriageways, bridges galore all financed by the EU. We can't even get a decent road between Sheffield and Manchester. I happen to have a few Polish friends and think they're brilliant. Hard working, intelligent people. Not all leave voters are anti foreigners.
To just make a point on the leavers alleged campaign overspend , https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35811941 The original 1975 EEC vote was a bit of a joke from a funding point of view . While leave had very little funding remain had the full weight of business and the state to make their pitch to the masses . Though massively unfair the result was to stay and I'm glad to say democracy was upheld . I'm not aware of leavers back in the day crying foul and asking for a re vote but I'm happy to be corrected if anyone knows otherwise .
ByBy I Dont live in a council house,but I would never ever pull someone down for living in one you snobby ****. Just piss off and support a team who wants people like you and maybe they would sell prawn sandwiches too.
And yet I know for a fact that two of my friends and one work colleague voted out purely because they think there are too many foreigners on our streets.
I happen to have a few polish friends who openly admitted they voted Brexit , but I understand that concept might be difficult for some to understand .
Did your Polish friends really vote for Brexit, thought you had to be a British citizen to vote, but there again I could be wrong.
You are wrong and right. Irish (oddly?) and commonwealth citizens living in the uk could vote. All EU citizens living in Britain (apart from mentioned irish) could not. So no, if the poles were not actually british citizens then they could not vote.
Yep , you gain citizenship after 5 years . Of course being a football forum you'd know Mikel arteta could have played for England .
What I would add, Simon, is to thank you for calling us remainers (& others, leavers) rather than the loaded "remoaners & brexiteers" - I'm definitely a remainer but am seriously concerned about the future of our country (rather than just moaning about the "we won, you lost" rubbish that some people post on social media) - I truly don't see Mogg, Farage, Boris & Gove as D'Artagnan & the 3 musketeers!