It is an acronym meaning Wind-Up Merchant. It refers to someone who posts on message boards and newsgroups with the intention to cause as much disruption as possible by goading others. He's a WUM, just ignore his posts. Just in case there’s some middle aged bloke wandering if they are a WUM or not
I did read a post some months on footmad by the poster ongoing cloud and I've got to say he was genuinely shocked he s been booted from this forum and I had no reason to not believe his writings on the matter . I will add his akinfemwa thread of last summer was one of the funniest I've read on this forum . A misguided poster , yes ; a poster who deliberately set out to wind people up ? That would be a no from me .
I was looking for that thread as I had a £50 bet with him for charity that Akinfenwa would not be the leading goal scorer or get 17 goals this season. I cannot find it anywhere
I thought I saw a post from him on here the other day, or someone with a very close variation on the name.
that's the problem if you look back over recent years at the amount of "old and bold posters" its in serious decline because of wum's, trolls and the occasional keyboard warrior; its a sad thing as this place used to be ace for a bit of banter and on the odd occasion useful info. I remember when we used to have the bbs do's and places various to suit the posters and all got on brill with no nastiness...……………….. pity the odd few have ****** it up for the good guys on here
I think these are what you might be looking for:
That last one is brilliant. Hemsworth Tyke at his finest in the original post. "Goodness" and "my word" are his calling cards.
I honestly didn’t mind Hemsworth tyke because knowing the lad he wasn’t a WUM, what he wrote was his beliefs, I know he wound loads of folk up (me included at times) but he’s a genuinely nice lad. What he wrote on here he’d say to your face
There is absolutely no way that Hemsworth didn’t do some of his wind ups on purpose. None whatsoever. He was given kind and sage advice on several occasions by several posters and clearly used it to do the opposite and write another post to antagonise within minutes. I’m not saying he was always an intentional WUM. I think he probably stumbled into the attention by accident and continued as he liked it, and then any of his genuine opinions were assumed to be wind ups due to his track record. I don’t think OGC was the same person though - unless taking polar opposite views on some things was intentional - proving him to be the worst (or best, depending on how you look at it) WUM we’ve had. There are no more WUMs in here than I can ever remember. Yes we’ve Nudger and Conan who like to throw a line in the water to see if there’s any nibbles - but we don’t have an OGC, HT, or even The Reeve. Halcyon days ...
So we’ve established that Thurnscoe-Miller and Wombwell-Red are definite WUM’s, who else dares hide amongst us?