Alfie Powell Rings The Bell! Club News This weekend, Barnsley Football Club will welcome a very special mascot to Oakwell for our Sky Bet League One fixture against Fleetwood Town. Continue reading on the official site...
What a brave little lad. Having had similar treatment myself, trust me, the after effects of Chemo and Radio therapy are not pleasant. I have the utmost respect for young Alfie and sincerely hope that he will have a long and disease free happy life. Hope he gets massive cheers from our fans when he runs out with the Reds this coming Saturday.
Fantastic news for the little lad, I've got the all clear today at Pinderfields again, hopefully a win tomorrow and it would be the cherry on the cake.
Well done little un . I once had a debate at the front door with some religious people (forget what branch) the debate got round to my disbelief that god existed. After a few what if he does exist by them and a what would you do when you meet him after denying him all your life . I said I havnt denied him all my life I was made to go to Sunday school , sunshine corner etc but if I met him I would give him the biggest bollocking he’s ever had , I would tell him how despicable a trick to allow diseases such as cancer especially in little children . I ended up making excuses for them to leave as otherwise they’d have stayed all day arguing .
just a short message, I am alfies grandad and want to say thanks for the replies, its been a heavy 8 month for my daughter and partner and everybody but we are on the right side now and tomorrow is a day they will never forget, so proud of them all, alfie gets to walk on the hallowed turf with cam mcgeehan, something i never got chance to do .. all ill say is get behind the reds we can do this thing called promotion #COYR
I sincerely hope that you all have a brilliant day WMT. What an experience for young Alfie, running out with the Reds. I would think he's getting very excited at the prospect.? Like you say, for eight months, as a family, it's been a very testing time for you all. I can understand that feeling. When I was undergoing my treatment I made a genuine attempt to put a brave face on the whole situation that I found myself in. The key for me was making an effort to remain positive , although I have to say that when leaving St James in Leeds after my days treatment, I quite often welled up, when seeing kids as young as probably four or five arriving with their parents for treatment for Cancer. So today is a day for thinking nice thoughts. As said previously, massive praise for Alfie for being so brave. I hope he has a truly wonderful day and goes on to have a fulfilled and happy life and that to-day is made even more memorable, with three points for the Reds.
Hope the lad has a cracking day. Positive stories like this should put a spring in all our steps today. All the best in the future Alfie
Well said, sir. All the best to you & your family. Not only for today, but for the future, too. Strut your stuff, Alfie. We're all behind you.