Full story....... https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/foot...twitter&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1555192038
Surely Barton is finished now? We've seen handbags between managers before but to physically asaault another manager and cause serious facial injuries is unheard of in this country.
If that's reyt and Daniel has lost 2 teeth... Then he should be facing another common assault charge! he has been convicted twice on charges of violence. In may 2008, he was sentenced to six months' imprisonment for common assault. Barton served 74 days of this prison term. In July 2008, he was also given a four-month suspended sentence after admitting assault. Barton has been charged with violent conduct three times by FA. HE SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED IN FOOTBALL AGAIN.
That was my very first thought when I read that. It's not a term Stendal would have picked up on in Barnsley as it's not in common usage in Tarn and District.
Whenever the gutter press quote "an eyewitness" it's usually the journo just making it up. I've lived in Barnsley 29 years and have never heard the term scally used anywhere.
But maybe he'd been watching old episodes of Brookside to help with his English and put on a mock scouse accent!
Will Daniel be releasing a record next Christmas..... All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth... Get well soon gaffer
Barton is the most odious of human beings and I pray that your manager and club do everything to ensure he gets the book thrown at him and don't fall for the inevitable 'it was all in the heat of the moment and no hard feelings' crap that will obviously have been tried.