That’s what I was thinking. When Daniel arrived less than a year ago, he didn’t speak English. He has improved immensely, but I doubt he would have said such a colloquial slur.
Agreed. You'd seriously doubt that someone who still struggles with "let's have another one" has alternatively developed an in-depth vocabulary of regionalised mocking colloquialisms! Hope Daniel is okay and is able to be back fully at work tomorrow - big week ahead to prepare for the Easter games. I'd just like to add the contrast with the two previous managers we've faced. Mark Robins, someone who left Oakwell under difficult circumstances but in my experience has always acted like a proper gent and was complimentary to all and sundry on his recent visit. Nigel Clough, someone who despite the often dour football his teams serve up, respects the game and couldn't have done more in support of the Steve Croft situation. Barton should be banned sine die from the game he has once again brought into disrepute and the law should be allowed to run its full course, as in the case of any allegation of this nature.
I don't believe that will be the case. What happened has nothing to do with football. Stendel encountered a a complete wnaker. Fortunately there aren't that many complete wnakers about, but there are enough for them to crop up in all walks of life. They're certainly not limited to football. The fact that this incident has made national news headlines proves it's something very much out of the ordinary. The punishment Barton will receive will reinforce that.
I agree with you on this, however what Daniel said or didn’t say is irrelevant because nothing can justify Barton’s thuggery
This report should be taken with a big pinch of salt. I, along with a number of others who read and post on this forum, spoke with a club employee yesterday evening. Most people will know or guess who that is so I'm not going to repeat what he said, primarily so I don't misquote him and put him in a very awkward situation. But I do want to say that what I heard contradicts almost everything written in that article. A serious incident occurred but what I heard differs substantially from what I just read.
Sorry, my fault Wine goggles on. I suspect that’s what Barton could have said at the same time he went for Daniel. The clue I think is in Cavares (deleted ) tweet when he called Barton a coward, which to me infers Barton went in when DS was totally unprepared or not looking
I agree with this as the main worry, Mr Lee may not want to spend much on the team but he needs to spend it on solictors to make sure Barton goes down. Ive not posted on this yet but Im so angry that this has happened to a enthusiastic, passionate, decent and good man like Daniel. The sending off offence on Mcgeehan could have been classed as assault and the gamesmanship from Fleetwood all came from Barton. Barnsley fans support now on Friday should be bigger, louder than ever to show Stendel what Barnsley is about.
Scally? How does that translate in German? I bet Whitey's iPhone has been taken as evidence. Be interesting to see if Daniel's nationality was an issue. Management has clearly done nothing to calm Barton's temperament & I suspect he'll be on gardening leave come Monday. Then Fleetwood have no choice but to sack him, once SYP have done their job. He's also looking at serious FA action and possibly a stretch in nick. His career is almost certainly over, which is no great loss to the game. Best thing we can do is show Daniel the love at Oakwell on Friday..
I find it hard to believe he used that phrase too. He doesn't even know what a wave is because when fans ask him for one he applauds them instead. So I don't think whilst he's still getting to grips with English, he's been learning scouse slang.