So Liverpool charging Barcelona fans at anfield £103 which will pay to reduce costs to £76 for away leg Footballs gone mad
How any fan watches their team in Europe with the cost and time off that goes with it is beyond me. They must all be hedge fund managers
Factually true statement, Manchester fans are the same, they’re both notorious for it, it’s the reason why if you watch them away on sky they’re in their seats a hour or more before kickoff to stop others getting in first.
Every seat in that away end is restricted viewing too, it’s a disgrace but the question is why aren’t UEFA jumping in and stopping this happening? Fans are going to find the money from somewhere, far Barnsley we’re in the semi final of the champions league id make damn sure I was there regardless of the price. We can’t really point the finger at fans, the authorities need to step in and make an example of these clubs.
Trouble is the authorities daren't otherwise Barcelona, Man City etc will just set up their own competition and take all the money with them. When it boils down to it all football governing bodies care more about money than football.
Rob, steal, fake tickets, run turnstiles seen it all in the 20 plus international and club games I've seen abroad. They'll spend the weekends running the restaurants as well, free food.
Ticketing systems are so sophisticated these days with bar codes and the like that I'm pretty sure fake tickets are not going to get you into most grounds.