I’d say he wasn’t. Conway was suppin outside Arcade Alehouse come 5:30. I guess he’d have stayed longer had Chien been there.
Chien deffo not there yesterday a neither was the Indian guy. No doubt watching ifollow on his big yacht somewhere very NICE.
I know Chien has a lot of other business interests but it's pretty disappointing he wasn't there yesterday. Final home game of the season, a chance to see us go unbeaten, close to promotion and playing some lovely football etc. Given the recent statement from OGC Nice then can only assume he's investing a lot of his time over there as it appears they have huge problems to sort out. Also saw a rumour a while back that Chien Lee and Conway have fallen out!
Not a pop at you at all Silkstone, but why are you disappointed by it? Personally, I have no expectation of seeing them at all. They are remote owners not fans ... and they're billionaires to boot. I'm surprised we've seen as much of Conway as we have. Provided they give us the stability we need financially (ie no more January fire sales) and develop us commercially I see that as the best support they can give us. Their physical presence at a game means absolutely nothing to me; at the end of the day - they aren't fans and our passion is a commodity to them. That said, for them to make money we generally need to be successful - so we want the same things.
I suppose disappointed was the wrong choice of word tbh. I think given our unbeaten home record and where we are in the league it would have been nice to see Chien and all the others there. I understand there are big problems behind the scenes at Nice so that's probably taken up a lot of his time. Hopefully he's at Bristol Rovers next weekend ! I believe Paul Conway has been running the show since GG left, that's why he's been at every game. However I expect us to appoint a new CEO in the summer and then maybe Conway will take a back step.
Im not too disappointed and there were many other fans tweeting their excitement from various other home and holiday destinations around the globe. There are times ive missed games due to work or family commitments. Im sure if he could he would have been there.
We can't and shouldn't expect them to be at every game. They have lots of business interests and aren't from this country. Just when we have our last home league game for three months and with so much at stake it would have been good to see everyone there to support the players.
I run one business and have two kids, one mrs (honest) and a handful of proper mates, yet I struggle to find time for the gym, watching telly, or having a wnak, let alone flying halfway across the world to watch the Reds whilst owning two football clubs and managing a global business empire.
Mike Lowry in "I'd rather have a wnak than watch Barnsley" admission!!! Sorry I had a rush of the tabloids and couldn't resist.
What are the issues with Chien Lee and Nice? A web search suggests he was trying to off load to tax exile Jim Ratcliffe. Paul Conway keeps talking about improving matchday experience but anyone could see that refreshment service and content is not fit for purpose. Just a little thing but also a straightforward thing to correct. It creates concerns that despite the talk, action and the management of it is less forthcoming. Don't get me wrong I would love the club to develop as has been promised but I am still concerned about the owners true motIves and ability, capability and desire to make this great club even greater
To be fair to them, they are locked into a contract with ABM until the end of next season. There don't even have a legal means to insist that they do a better job of the concourses and the best they are able to do is pass on the complaints.
Thanks Gally. Pleasing to here there may be a reason. I don't want to go out of my way to knock the owners and would love my concerns to be ill founded
Seeing as the catering is widely accepted to be so substandard, would it not be prudent to come to some sort of severance agreement with the current lot, and bring it back under our control immediately? I appreciate that the current suppliers may not agree to this, but it might be worth a try.
How about the fans organising a boycott of the catering to force the providers to either get their act together or pull out of the contract?