Going from about the same time as you, I get something like this. Seems like we've done well through the centre, but I struggled a bit on the wings and at LB in particular. That explains why Thompson's in there even though he was probably just before my time. And McCourt, just because. Heinz Muller David Watson Adam Davies (just ahead of Steele) Alfie Mawson Ethan Pinnock Arjan de Zeeuw Marc Roberts Nicky Eaden Darren Barnard John Curtis Neil Thompson Conor Hourihane Craig Hignett Neil Redfearn Brian Howard Adam Hammill Stephen McPhail Paddy McCourt (!) Kieffer Moore Cauley Woodrow Sam Winnall Ashley Ward Bruce Dyer
I wavered between him and Winnall. I was actually surprised at how few games Hendrie played for us - 65 with 17 goals according to wikipedia, as against 97 and 41 for Winnall. It was mostly at a lower level, but I eventually decided that you can't really argue with a strike rate like that.
Since 88: Davies Muller Eaden Hassell Pinnock Mawson De Zeeuw Roberts Barnard Hammill Howard O’Connell Mowatt Redfearn Hourihane Butterfield Bullock Potts Shipperley Winnall Ward Hendrie Moore XI: Davies; Eaden, De Zeeuw, Pinnock, Barnard; Hammill, Redfearn, O’Connell, Howard; Shipperley, Ward.
Muller, Davies, Steele Hassell, Trippier, Roberts, Mawson, McShane, Pinnock, Yiadom, Pinillos Hammill, JCR, McPhail, Hourihane, Butterfield, Drinkwater, Howard, Shuker McBurnie, Woodrow, O'Grady, Nardiello Left backs are a struggle! Honourable mentions for Scowen, Ferenczi, Devaney and McCourt
Right I live these threads - I won't lie. Muller Davies Stones Barnard Eaden Beresford Futcher (Paul) Taggart De Zeeuw Tyler Redfearn (c) Hignett Sheridan Hourihane Bullock Mowatt Hammill Shipperley Ward Fjortoft Hendrie Hristov Winnall Some controversial picks in there perhaps. Winnall was a judas but he knew where the back of the net was. Hristov was superb but so often not fit. I'm frankly surprised nobody has said Beresford - he was brilliant for us and went on to bigger things with Newcastle. I was very tempted to find room for David Currie and Steve Agnew too.
BTW I just missed the Glavin side - and although I've seen lots of footage I couldn't recall pick McCarthy, Banks, Glavin, Aylott, McHale, Parker or Barrowclough...
Nardiello versus Ferenczi is an interesting argument. Neither of them made my squad - but Ferenczi would edge it IMHO.
Not one person has Anderson da Silva in their squads.. says a lot about the footballing knowledge on here!!