sounds like it can get a bit dodgy at times. There’s a Bristol- based poster amongst them.
Short memories on here. When we played them in cup in 99 it was carnage before game in town. Cider sends folk daft.
I am concerned that a large number of folk are going to go down there and think with them having nowt to play for they will all be our best buddies and it'll be cider and high fives all round. They are not sandal wearing vegans from some tiny village backwater like Forest Green Rovers. They are a club from a big city and they will have a liberal sprinking of knuckle draggers within their number. All those intending to go in their end need to be discrete but after a few beers and a Reds goal thats gonna be easier said than done.
Mmm. Seem to re-call their 'mob' had been bigging themselves up prior to this one and ended up getting a proper spanking (just reporting events not glorifying olt)
I often stay with a mate in Bristol and whilst the City lot are ok, Rovers fans have a reputation similar to Birmingham. So I'd be cautious and keep quiet etc. Mind you I stood in "The Shed" at Stamford Bridge in 1982 (we won 2-1, Glavin got one of them), now THAT was scary..... I also sat near the halfway line at St Andrews for the playoff semi-final in 2000 (till I was allowed into the away end at half time), that was very unpleasant.
You're not wrong there. Remember my first pub crawl in Bristol. An all-dayer in the baking sunshine. I was drinking pints of cider as if it were regular beer. Except it's all around 7% and more. It's fair to say that by around 5pm I was in a proper two and eight. My day ended with me getting thrown out of my mate's local Spar shop for getting into a dispute with the manager about why they didn't sell Pimm's (probably for the best that they didn't) and me mocking her replies in a terrible fake Bristol accent. Looking back on it, I was lucky to get out without a severe pasting.
A early reds goal should reveal the size the turn out in the home ends. I know you can't stop everyone but I have been very surprised at the ease with which tickets are being obtained by our fans.
I went with the official coaches back in those days and I was glad I did, boy did it kick off. My Dad to this day still refers to Birmingham fans as animals.
I also had to get back to the station. I asked a copper what was the safest way to get there and he said ‘there isn’t one’! In the end managed to get past the bottom of the road where their fans were and jumped on a bus to the city centre.
The cops seemed worryingly laissez-faire that day. "Is is usually this bad?" "Oh, it's much worse against Wolves" we stood there, listening to pub windows being smashed all around Digbeth. @Chef Tyke and I somehow managed to get separated from the big crowd of Reds fans we were walking with, and realised we had no clue where we were and were far too terrified to ask anyone. Then, out of nowhere appeared a lone Reds fan, who it very quickly became apparent, only possessed about seven working brain cells. Wearing full colours, he wanted to talk to us very loudly about the match, whereas our priority was not being killed or maimed. Luckily he asked us where the station was, so we told him it was straight on but we needed to go left down the next street where we were parked (total lies on both parts, our car was at our mate's place on the other side of the city, and we had absolutely no idea where the station was). Looking back, I hope he survived the walk, but bearing in mind his BFC shirt, scarf, and his complete stupidity, I have my doubts.
Scaremongering. Same as anywhere else in that if you look for trouble, you will no doubt find it. All depends on how old you are really. At my age I think I could fully expect to have a drink in a pub with the home fans. Be sensible and respectful and you'll be OK.
I try to stay away from other Reds when I go to away matches full stop. I once went to Luton away and was ready to enjoy a few jars and make my way to the match by myself when I bumped into a few reds I knew. One of which was on fist name terms with a south yorkshire police officer. He said ayup to the officer and we were asked to wait a few minutes and frog marched to buses and taken to the area near Kennilworth Road. I vowed never to go to an away game and meet up with anyone again.
So a Millwall fan responds to the regular Barnsley poster on there. Was tempted to try and get a reaction about about how he/ she felt about their thugs attacking a small group of fans who were mainly families, but thought it not fair for that Forum.
I’m same. However - just one tip. Stick together !!! Don’t let opposing fans pick small groups of Barnsley fans off. Im not talking about Bristol here - I’m talking about all opposing fans. And if it kicks off then look after each other. When I’ve seen Barnsley away following there seems to be more than plenty that are capable of looking after themselves - but ive seen times when they don’t stick together as much as they should.
I lived there in 2000 and it was pretty scary heading home. It didn't help when I got a load of abuse from a passing mini bus full of reds fans!
Went to Ellend Rd in 1990 with some Leeds fans, got out there fine although they all told me to shut the f*** up when we equalised.