True enough but that whole story always puzzled me somewhat, God sent his son who is essentially himself (God) to save us from from going to Hell (which God created). So he sent himself to save us from him? It all went downhill at Sunday school as I recall when I started asking questions.
Tell me about it!!! It's like Easter. To best of my knowledge, God's lad Jesus, got trapped behind a rock. Some little bunny rabbit came along, gave him some chocolate and helped him escape. After that, he changed his name to Ryan Williams and signed for Rotherham United.
An interesting take on traditional Christian theology, but no less plausible than some of the stuff in the Bible.
I loved the Lone Ranger. I remember one episode when him and Tonto were being chased across the Plains by thousand of Indians. They took refuge on a large hill but the Indians moved in from all sides. I really felt for them both especially when the Lone Ranger said " Tonto my friend we are in a heap of trouble". I was shocked by Tonto's response. " What do you mean " WE" Paleface.?"
Similarly there was that episode where Tonto and the Lone Ranger were surrounded by a Sioux war party. Just before being attacked the Lone Ranger says 'Here, put some of this perfume on. It'll protect us.' 'Why?' Says Tonto 'It's Aramis'. D'oh.
Christians get out. Forgive me father for I have sinned . ( Not just me then) 6 hail Mary's all's hunky dory.
The bit I don’t get (and I know they have an explanation about Passover etc) is if this made up Jesus fella was born on 25th December, and “they” always celebrate this quite naturally on the 25th December, then why move his death day around willy nilly! It’s not reight. Pick a day and bloody stick to it!
I have read that some think that December 25th might have been chosen because the Winter Solstice and the ancient pagan Roman midwinter festivals called 'Saturnalia' and 'Dies Natalis Solis Invicti' took place in December around this date - so it was a time when people already celebrated things.
Mad innit. Couldn’t command a place in either team but will qualify for both winners and runners up medal. Pub quiz question of the future who won both in same league and same year, can’t be many if any one else
Blame St Patrick... It was he who drove all the pagans (snakes as they were referred to) out of Ireland Most churches are built on pagan ritual sites... As for St pat .. I always wonder what vehicle he must have drove... Guess it was a people's carrier lol Lot to answer for have them Christian soldiers..
Classic Social manipulation. You're never going to stop people going out on the lash on a certain day. So what you do is tell them if they go out on the lash for their god it's a good thrashing and a night in the clink - but if instead they're going out on lash to honour your god instead they get free leprechaun top hats and a pint of guiness instead - well it's probably going to be a more enjoyable time for all. Over time most people just happy to go out on the lash - forget origin - old tradition dies out - new tradition consolidated. Churches just happy to have bums on seats and not worry too much about which date the collection plate gets filled, just that it does. Spanish churches in South America are often built on the same site and actually from the same stones as the indigenous temples. Every Sunday folk still turn up to the same place to pay homage - just to a bloke nailed to a cross rather than Cthulu or a big green lizard / Mama Chilla - whatever. Today the god of Globalism. Iphones, Obesity and consumarism makes Christmas and Easter about new iphones and chocolate rather than God - easy done..