Agreed. This season yellow is the new black, anything from mustard to citrus, paired with greys in various shades.
I don’t know what went off. But I back Stendel 100% on his decision. If Stendel wants him gone for it, then that’s fine with me. No player is bigger than the club and a manager has to be respected - especially one of Stendel’s standing. In Stendel we trust.
I was considering starting a thread on Reds players with colours for surnames the other day but then when I sat down and thought about it I ran out after Brown and Green!
Players should be allowed a mistake. We all make em. He just wants to play and got annoyed when he wasnt. Hes got enough favour in the bank for me. Fine him, give him a ballacking but lets not cut our nose off to spite our face. Get him back in, hes been immense this season and worth a few bob should too we tie him down on that extension. COYR
Depends on what actually happened - all these rumours about refusing to fly etc. Sorry, if he genuinely had a fear, he wouldn’t be suspended for it..... I’ve no issue either way and will back Stendel and the board whatever they decide to do. But he has potentially let us down at the important part of the season. If I did that at work, I’d expect severe repercussions. As for Champ quality - unknown yet. He blew hot and cold last season.
I just dont think were good enough to jettison players as good as him for a mistake. Yes he should be in bother, one more and your out but if he comes back remorseful and determined to get back in the side, then I say ok. As for not being good enough for the championship, who knows, but same could be said for all the team on that score.
I do agree - like I say, depends on what happened and his remorse since. I’ll back the board and Stendel either way - they know fully what’s gone on. The cynic in me can see situations like this being done on purpose - to help force a move when he’s had a good season and won awards and his stock is high....... who knows.....
He's got a point to prove... So he'll come out like a bull in china shop and put someone in A&E or he'll score three and block a goalbound effort with his exquisite backside. Either way, I'm excited...
I think this could finally be the day we give someone a good hiding. I mean 5 or 6 goals. That or we bloody lose!!!