Bumping post after post just to prove you were right about something 12 months ago/someone you don't like was wrong about something 12 months ago* Childish to the extreme! *delete as appropriate...
I don't have a problem with it. When I've posted gibberish (nearly 43,000 of the buggers!), I can hardly belly ache when others highlight just how little I know about football. If my over inflated ego can't handle these bumps being made, containing inconvenient truths with regards to my obvious ignorance getting proved, then perhaps I shouldn't talk rubbish in the first place. The Charlie Wyke thread being bumped today is a classic example of my stupidity. If I can't take criticism, then I shouldn't dish it out.
Very well said! There are times, and I'm sure they'll be more prevalent next season when we start to lose games more regularly, when I avoid this place because of all the ridiculous knee jerk crap. We all get disappointed and down when we lose. I don't even mind sensible discussions on the whys and wherefores. But the downright baleful, venomous negativity and stupidity actually makes following the club less enjoyable. Spout crap. Expect to get pulled up on it. That said I don't think there's much need for the bumping. Everybody is already well aware of past opinions without them being wheeled out.
Lol, we all know you're not and any criticism you do level is thought out and balanced. Face it …..yer beige to the core!!!!
I think if people bumped threads and there was a shared laughter about what was posted then most people wouldnt mind them. That people are often trying to points score is out of order and a bit childish.
The reason it irks me, is that I'm an admin on another(non football) board, and we had to actively ban thread bumping due to the effect it was having on both individual posters, and the board growth. We actually had an e-mail from a posters GP, because the things he was posting(that turned out to be wrong) was getting bumped and were affecting his mental health. Now, I didn't understand it as you can say anything to me and I'd be able to laugh it off, but it did highlight how seriously people take these sorts of forums. As for the growth of the board, when we banned the bumping, we found that aver the space of 18 months, the amount of new threads and replies almost trebled....
I suppose where it's appropriate and relevant then it's ok but it can be tedious when it's happening as often as we've seen recently and more so when there is literally no reason for the bump.
Yep, I don't mind bumping getting the elbow. I'm sure very few will change their nature and will offer plenty of similar comments in the future for others to take issue with. No doubt happy clappers like me included.
That's the key for me. The odd bump, used to give it the old "can't believe you though we should have signed playerX, you big daft bugger. What are you like, ey?" to a poster who you know won't take the bump to heart(BigLil for example), then it's fine. When you are doing it to ridicule someones opinion from a year ago just to prove you knew best, it's a lovely person's move... I mean, how many of us can honestly say their opinion of the club, it's owners, manager and paying staff is exactly the same as this time before the season kicked off?
Not having a go because I agree with most of your point. These bumps would be fine if they were laughing at ourselves pointing out how wrong we as fans can be. However, it does seem to be point scoring and ‘look how clever I am I was right, you were wrong ner ner’ Think best way to make the forum better though is to post decent content rather than threads complaining about other threads....otherwise you end up with a front page full of nonsense. Again, not having a go, agree for the most part just think it’s not worth posting. Although i’ve just made a post in a thread I think wasn’t worth posting so maybe just ignore my waffling. You reds!
I'm going to bump this in 12 months when nothing gets bumped, just to prove that the trend of threads getting bumped didn't continue.
Well said Lil. So far, I've lived an interesting life and due to my main job, for 30 years , I have been privelidged to go to places I probably wouldn't have gone to ,were it not for my employer covering my travel and subsistence outlay. During my service, I met a lot of really interesting and well informed people and because of that, have a broad knowledge on quite a number of topics. Having said that, I'm not an expert in any particular subject and am always willing to learn. We all make mistakes , that's why they put a rubbers on the end of a pencil. If somebody picks me up and points to the fact that I am wrong, I welcome that, so I don't repeat the same incorrect information in the future.
did you know they actually only put 1 rubber on the end of A pencil not rubbers, plural ;-) thee'er tha guz, tha wrong ;-)
There is nothing wrong with someone correcting you, obviously. But the threads have not been bumped to correct someone, they have been bumped to score points.