Bit of a shambles last night. Ale and snap had pretty much run out by half time and queues were massive. Seems like they were just selling stuff off and gave no thought to the size of the event. Poor.
I was going to ask, to anyone who went, what was the overall experience like? I'm down in fareham at the moment, waiting to go on holiday, so looking and desperate for any news, on our last game (saw it on I follow but not the same).
The Walsall beam back was great - £2 pints and no queuing. Last two have been badly organised. Not sure I would go again.
Did people know a goal had gone it before the screen showed it due to people watching in play on a betting site to get around the delay?
Plus no offers as originally advertised, unless I missed it but the price lists up were the same as usual
No spoilers around us. I was very disappointed to see everyone streaming out when the second goal went in though. We were promoted no matter what and Luton’s score meant we had no chance of being champions anyway. Less than half the people were left by the final whistle.
True. I never buy food or ale in the ground but being able to have a drink in my seat meant I would have had a couple. Very poor to sell out by half time.
Fair enough, everyone’s different. Personally I can’t see how 2 minutes would have affected any of that but you were in the majority.
I was enjoying the overall experience until it became clear that Luton were pissing it and we were not at the races. Then I felt cold and wondered if the gates were open. In the end I stayed until injury time started but couldn't see much point staying longer. And it was cold. It wouldn't stop me going to another but of course, with these things, the experience of watching a big telly in the evening chill is going to be strongly influenced by the success or otherwise of what we had come to watch. The one thing that struck me was how little room there is in the stand concourse when the stand is full. It was rammed and it took 10 minutes to crawl your way back to your seat. It was quickly apparent that queuing for the food bar was pointless. It was all a bit like being in the Leppings Lane end. Much prefer the East Stand.
There weren’t any spoilers regarding the scores. Beamback was good. I felt they should’ve put the sound on from the ground earlier ( did we really need Timerider playing?) I would hate to sit in the Ponty on a regular basis particularly when it’s almost full as it was yesterday. The concourse is inadequate. Was intending to have a couple of beers but the massive queues put paid to that. Should’ve used the Eastand with its massive concourse and 3 catering outlets, been much more comfortable.
Wasn't a great experience for those reasons already given. The concourse was rammed, the bar prices were the same when I thought as others have said that it would be cheaper. The screens were pretty small and not great quality. It was nice to have the novelty of sitting in the ponty with a pint in your hand but at the end of half time the bar staff were saying they couldn't sell beer in the second half, even the row of about 20 pints they had poured and lined up ready behind the bar. Having said that it was great when we scored and the blokes behind us were brilliant at keeping the singing going through the match. My boys enjoyed the singing and the experience. Based on the last two beam backs I'm not sure I'd go again. I have a dim recollection of the Liverpool game beam back being much better, ( I think it was in the east stand? ) With a better view and more space.