Saw someone off his tits get lobbed out at HT. Why do people have to drink beyond their limit and then act antisocially to spoil it for others. Some people are such knobs.
I didn't realise that. But in that case, surely you stop serving the people who are hammered , not everybody. The vast majority of people looked pretty sober to me.
Echo what others have said. We were right in front of one of the screens so coverage was better than I thought it would be. Commentary was decent too. Good effort by the club and gets the thumbs up from me. Will be glad to get back to the East stand though. Jeez it’s cramped behind the goal, seats seem crammed in and couldn’t get my legs in comfortably. Hated the concourse, it was like a battlefield.
Just seen it Facebook from someone who works at club - they decided to stop serving due to behaviour of fans. You could also say why can't fans control themselves
Saw that aswell they had been upto his seat having a word during the game and then threw him out at half time. Then one fan started shouting at stewards for kicking him out.
Indeed you could. Bit crap for people who had been drinking sensibly though and fancied another beer.
Loved hearing the full version of Timerider, it really got me in the mood. The concourse was a bit scary being that full.
Blame the others then not the club - kids there as well and fights were going on. Seems the sensible thing to do in my eyes
There was someone fighting near one of the entrances just before the 2nd half was due to start. Saw it right in front of me and my 7yr old lad. Shocking state of affairs tbh.
That's the one I saw I think. Some people are just morons. Fancy getting in such a state that you can't even behave amongst your own fans when we are all there to just watch a telly. Cretins.