I get that which is why it said he was stupid but I looked at that picture and thought , social comment? Who gives a monkeys type comment? Never did the phrase racist comment enter my mind! Because I don’t look at that chimp and think anything other than its wrong dressing them up in human clithes
Exactly! I am 65. In spite of one or two on here - 'virtue seeking' 'professionally offended' types, having accused me of racism after various OT posts e.g. personal experiences of the impact of mass illegal migration in Southern Europe where I live, I refuse to 'walk on eggshells' when it comes to PC. I have no racist views whatsoever, other than incomprehension and feelings of anger when I see examples of genuine racism. I even took issue with my daughter at her wedding who said to me " You cannot say that Dad" shortly after I had asked her pretty, close mixed race friend who was a talented artist and who had modelled a caricature likeness of bride and groom atop the wedding cake where she and her family came from. It never entered my head (nor should it) that it was in any shape or form racist or indelicate. The snowflake generation is clearly not a myth.
Is it that hard not to say things though? I might not personally see why I shouldn't say something but if someone told me I was upsetting someone for saying it then I'd stop.
Reminded me of this story from last year with H&M and the hoodie https://www.independent.co.uk/voice...tail-white-black-h-m-the-weeknd-a8149306.html
I have no idea what DB was thinking when he posted the picture - I don’t know if he was being racist or not. I’d be amazed that he wouldn’t know Meghan is dual heritage- it’s been all over the media (of which he’s a part) many many times. He’s a big football fan so surely he knows of the appalling link between black players etc & monkeys? Monkey chants & bananas? Racism is starting to raise its ugly head again more & more - I e seen it on Facebook under the guise of jokes - when it’s called out, the “snowflake “ term is used - remember “Love thy Neighbour” in the 70s? Maybe funny then but cringeworthy now - I don’t want to return to the days when racist jokes (& thus racism) was acceptable
Always nice to hear what the self-absorbed honkies of Brexit central deem to be racist. Can't see many black people not being highly offended by monkey chants/pix and flying bananas.
I'd have to slightly disagree anston. If you'd sat me down yesterday and asked me if Megan Markle was of mixed race I'd probably have said yes but I'd have had to give it some thought. The only impact she ever has on my life is the constant barrage of S**te about what she's wearing or her falling out with her family or Kate Middleton. It's total tabloid crap aimed at those with nothing better to do and I never, ever read beyond the headline. I would say that her impact on the vast majority of us is not that she's of mixed race but that she indeed does live in a frenzied, media hyped circus.
I understand, Churton - I watched Suits (that she was in) so knew anyway - I just think DB isn’t as funny as he thinks he is - it’s the racist numpties that will jump on it with glee
Just been confirmed police are now investigating his tweet...good god have they not got anything better to do, like investigate some old lady that's had her teeth kicked in by a smackhead, or is there no mileage in that.
Like many others I saw the image DB posted - This was possible as a result of the publicity it got from the media. The media is dominated by white men. Without this publicity I wouldn't have seen it. Complaints about racism are generally led by white people who believe they are supporting people from other ethnic groups. This begs the question where are the voices of those in the groups being discriminated against? Either people from these minority groups weren't bothered about the cartoon or they don't have a voice in our society. I thinks it's the latter and the reason is because the dominant force in most organisations, committees, campaigns etc is the white man. It can be argued that if one group is fighting on behalf of another group the group doing the campaigning/fighting is the stronger one and the group who someone is fighting on their behalf is diminished. So when white people complain about racism against black people the black people are being patronised because we infer that they can't stick up for themselves. The real racists are the white men in 'power' who wont defer power/authority to any other ethnic group to allow these groups to have a voice.
you are right. The organisations/groups who have the power to stop the racists behaving wrongfully are headed by white men - look at football matches - guy hurls racist abuse at a player - police, stewards club officials do nothing. What I am suggesting is that it would be different if these organisations had black/ethnic minority representation. And they have this representation because the white man is hanging on to the power and believes he knows what is best for the minority groups. And this is what happened with the DB cartoon - white journos throw their hands up in horror, massive publicity and we all see the cartoon they got it wrong!