I hope that with the squad being good mates and the relationship with the manager that they fancy a crack at the championship together or is playing and enjoynig it irrelevant and a player would be happier sitting on the bench at birmingham earning more money. They are all still young lads with time still to earn big money. Rather than just recruitment it is keeping this team together that will give us the best chance next season.
Can’t imagine you holding your rattle. Thought you said you took 1 step out of the pub and went straight back in. What to believe eh.
So - you are a young lad and somebody waves 20k a week in front of you. Do you say "Yeah - I'll take that and order my new Merc/Beemer and take our lass to the Maldives" or do you say "Know what, I'll hang on here on 3k a week because I've got a long career in front of me"! Tough one!!!
Yep that was the question, so as its very likely that our players will be looked at by other clubs and decent offers will come in do most think that we will 1) match other clubs and offer our players comparative wages or 2) sell to the biggest bidder and recruit new cheaper players as before and drop back down to league 1 again or 3) hold on to our players and risk losing the ones with a year left. If there is little chance of this group staying together and giving it a go with this manager due to wages they can get elswhere then nothing will have changed, i think we will get good offers for 8 or 9 of our first team players whether they have long left on their contracts or not. I think this time round we have some hope and we will build and not have a fire sale and we will do that without busting our wage structure or letting contracts run down and it will be because they can see something good happening here and want to be part of it.