The little one at Bristol.................2 million for Keefer Cellino's Brescia Lyndsay for 1.5 million
Remember we offered 100k for St Johnstones best player in January. We cant be absolved from blame on the 'cheeky offer' front.
Isn't it just good business practice to try and get a player for the smallest amount possible? It might appear cheeky at times, but I'd expect every club to operate like that, including us.
I’m feeling positive about next season, already had a statement of intent from the CEO. Lets hope we manage to keep the players together and that their agents dont turn their heads with the promise of bigger clubs and bigger paydays.
Howcome Peterborough get treble money for every deal they sell. Bet Toney goes for 8 million in next year or two.
We did let in a One in two Championship striker go for less than a million quid - if I was a buying club I'd chance my arm.
If anyone thinks our CEO Mr Conway is a pushover.... think again! No-one under a decent contract will leave for an under value sum. You cant blame clubs making lo-ball offers, its how many people negotiate in many different industries. In the end, whoever holds the most cards wins the day.
I agree Conway is no mug and will get the best deal available for the contract left. I do think players with 1 year left on their contracts will be offered new ones and if they don't sign they will be gone this summer. Even if that means losing Moore Pinnock, Lyndsay then so be it. Losing Davies or any player we would want as a first team player due to being out of contract can't be allowed to happen again. Now we know we are in the championship again things should change with regards to contracts sign up or move on with a decent fee for us to reinvest.