Some great films getting referenced in this thread, and as is typical with great films there's often lots of great dialogue. Particularly liked the earlier quote from Mississippi Burning, which brings to mind Hackman's superb turn as Dafoe's blunt instrument - one of his best lines being: 'Make no mistake about it, Deputy. I'll cut your f*cking head clean off and not give a sh*t how it reads in the report sheet!' An unrelated exchange from a different kind of film altogether: 'Nothing like a farm. Nothing like being around animals, fixing things. There's nothing like being in the field with the corn and the winter wheat. The greenest stuff you ever saw. 'You know my mama wanted me to be a farmer. 'My dad wanted me to be a baseball player. 'Well you're better than any player I ever had. And you're the best God damn hitter I ever saw. Suit up.'
So war are the chances of a guy like me and a girl like you getting together? 1 in 10? 1 in a hundred? I'm thinking more like one in a million. So you're telling me there's still a chance?