Lads, whats acceptable? Trying to teach the young un, he's currently on a 30 minutes wipe. 6 years old, 2 dabs is acceptable and clinical, at his age l can't say three is a ****.
Shake it once that's fine, shake it twice that's ok... shake it three times, you're playing with yourself.
Tell him to swing it round like a lasso and gyrate his hips as if in a hula hoop at the same time. If he can't do it just show him how it's done.
You see that's all well and good teaching him to wipe... But he'll get some weird looks in the pub after hes been to the urinal, then waddles over to the sit darn bogs for some paper!! Anyway pants were invented to catch the few drops that come out!!
No matter how much you shake your peg. The last few drops, go down your leg. Poe Edgar Allan 1809-1849. Chinese Proverbs. Man who pee in empty bucket makes lot of noise, Man who pee in full bucket, gets feet wet. Man who lays woman on bedspring, Soon get offspring. Man who lays woman on hill, Not on level.
Just do like me and knock the last drops off on the rim of the bog.... what ya mean yours dunt reach !!!!!!
Prefer the copper piping in the adjoining stall. Copper has a really cool feel to it plus it can be very " tuneful". Always blame me Mam. Used it to always lift me up out of the cot by it.
Teach him the counting method: 1. Pants down 2. Willie out 3. Foreskin back 4. Piss 5. Foreskin forward 6. Pants up Works a treat, just leave him to it, he'll be fine. Just check after a couple of days that he hasn't switched to the 3 - 5 - 3 - 5 - 3 - 5 method.
Once you get to 60+, the old maxim applies :- "No matter how much you shake your peg, the last few drops run down your leg"
If dribbling is a problem. Have the operation to have some nose hairs transplanted into the end of the ****. Then if a dribble starts to appear your **** will sniff it back in.