Yep Diane Abbott is a waffly/forgetful 'yes' woman for the labour leader but 'scary'? What the hell has she ever said/done that is scary? People like to kick abbott for various reasons but like Corbyn she is on the right side of the fence for me...As for Johnson is a buffoon of the highest order, never knows when to shut up, has a penchant for insulting people and has no aptitude for diplomacy, loyalty or consistency. The only thing he is interested in is the chance to become PM. National interest my arse!!
Her constituents don't seem to think so... She's been an MP for 30 odd years hasn't she? If she's as bad as people are led to believe why do they vote for her time and again?
Diane is an extremely intelligent person. Yes, she’s made a few mistakes in interviews, as has many other politicians (remember when Phillip Hammond was out by £20 billion in an interview about HS2?) I also happen to believe her ‘excuse’ about diabetes at the time of her most famous mistake as my mam is type 1 and she gets confused when blood sugar is very low (which thankfully isn’t often).
I agree, he seems a sensible chap. Tories will be below 30% at the next GE if shagger Johnson’s at the helm, oh well.
Chris Grayling has thrown his ring into the hat to become next leader of the LibDems. Vince Cable was pleasantly surprised by the interest but did not think he would get the support in the parliamentary party he needed to stand. His platform for leadership was to set Britain on a path for the hardest possible Brexit, joining both the Eurozone and Schengen.
Chris Failing has lost this country millions in some of the major **** ups he's made whilst performing his role(s) within the Tory Government. Just finished reading some of the mote printable comments about Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. The least insulting one describes him " mad-haired" whilst other comments cite him as being a shallow, disloyal, friendless, deceitful, adulterous, slovenly, narcissistic liar. Just what we need as our new Prime Minister then.?