Probably not, but there is the big possibility that Corbyn will be PM in the near future! He’ll take the trophy
I’m a lifelong Labour voter, until very recently, and I see no prospect of Corbyn becoming PM. Given the shower of sh*te currently in power I don’t think I could think of a worse indictment of the current Labour Party (or, rather, its leadership)
British politics is at its nadir. It's like the 'Spitting Image' puppets have morphed into actual politicians.
The tradegy is they ve always been like this . It's just that the Brexit vote blew the whole system wide open
Yes of course there could. I long ago gave up thinking thins couldn’t get worse where politicians are concerned. I’d rather Maybot stayed than Boris de pfeffel Conman take over
No, there have been decent people on both sides of the House, eg. Mo Mowlem, Ken Clarke ( though he is a Forest supporter)
Congratulations where congratulations are deserved must go to the British Tory press... The amount of lies and fabricated stories that have been leveled at Corbyns door have stuck and smeared a good politician. The sad part of it all is people out there accept the Tory press lies and fabrication as truth... In my opinion May's resignation speech said more about her and her parties attitude.. Me me me.. Bugger the rest... Those that knock corbyn.. Should go and listen to him at the rallies... Not once does he serve himself first in fact totally opposite.. Everybody is equal and should be treated as such.. No matter what colour creed or religion.
Well, he hasn’t got his party behind him for one thing! We can also go into how his parties politics will ruin this country! But this is a football site, so COYR!
Thank god Phaluslarge isn't likely to get the job. None of the candidates from either main party seem to be in it for the right reasons, it's all about ideology, self promotion and self interest.