30% Leave voters have been whinging for 3 years about being betrayed by the politicians and the Tories in particular. You democratically founded your own party to get rid of the betrayers and remainers. Destroy them once and for all. And you got 30%
Lol, clutching at the plainly obvious but you stick to your economically suicidal, small minded agenda.
Could you please refrain from calling people who voted to remain 'remoaners'? It's patronizing and is a silly sound bite. Similarly, just because 'we' voted to leave once does not mean democracy is stuck in 2016. There was a vote last Thursday, there will be other votes in future ( or do you wish for there never to be any votes on anything again?)
Point taken but given that the leavers have been crying betrayal about the failure of the Tories to organise an exit then I would think that the vast majority of leavers in the Tory vote would have plumped for The Brexit Party. I'll even give you an even split of the Tory vote being leavers. That's 36%. Are the Scottish results in yet?
I believe SNP walked it in Scotland, but to be fair if SNP had Donald Duck as the Scots would always vote with SNP policies due to their patriotism. What about the near 40% of missing people who failed to turn out? If it’s fair to assume above about Tories it’s fair to say strong believers of remain would make effort to vote, but leavers might see it as a pointless exercise as it won’t exist shortly. If only 35% voted you could argue that given none of the elected will influence Brexit but can influence our presence if we remained, perhaps all the voters were mainly remainers and picked the parties that they thought would represent UK best. The stats add up to that if you wish them to. The stats don’t prove anything either way
Sorry mate, my mistake. I read you as asserting and missed the irony! Thought it was a strange one for you! I plead senility!
I'd say that 30% of people voting for a party specifically set up to deliver Brexit is as relevant now as 52% voting to leave three years ago. Whichever way you want to spin it it suggests to me that there has been a significant slippage in the number of people who want to leave at all let alone want to leave with no deal.
If we have a referendum based on facts and some truth about the pro & cons of Brexit ... and the result is still the same then so be it. I wouldn't be happy to leave but would have to accept it ... so why not give a confirmatory vote, just to shut us up if nothing else?
This is beginning to remind me a bit of the miners strikes and calls on Scargill for a national ballot. Another vote will satisfy no one. End of the day a vote has been taken. What Cameron should have done in retrospect was to get all the leavers together to negotiate from the off. I suspect it is too late to do this now and we will leave with no deal. Things will settle in time but in the short term we're ******.
Goodness. This is a bit shouty! I voted leave (thought it was a price to pay for bringing about the end of the UK - going quite well that) but my fellow leavers on here can’t seem to add up. Whichever way you crunch last night’s figure and whatever spin you put on it, remain did better than leave. The two main party’s are going to be forced off the fence to adopt either a hard Brexit stance or a remain one. Otherwise they are going to be anhilated in any election. This issue has completely poisoned and distorted any debate so any more nuienced position is simply not tenable. That’s fine by me. We either, - fight an election with absolute clarity from the main two parties, OR - it’s another Referendum with two questions: hard Brexit or remain. To be frank, the way things are at the moment, the ‘British people’ are quite likely to go for hard Brexit - though I wouldn’t.
We had a referendum and 52% of voters elected to leave. If the vote of another referendum remained the same then once again the remainers would be arguing the same points it's only 4% difference not a clear enough gap, not all facts were made available. We were giving the choice to remain or leave and the decision was made. I respect that people have their own opinions that's what makes us human but like I said previously if we have another referendum how many more after that will we have?
Totally agree with this, but therin lies the issue nobody actually knows the pros and cons only what they think. As an example Mark Carney is recognised as an expert and should be listened to but to date every prediction he has made has not been accurate. If someone in charge of the Bank of England can’t predict correctly what chance do most mere mortals have.
So what about the 40% ish that chose not to vote last night but voted in the referendum? All last night proved was the people that bothered to vote, voted for remain parties more than leave.
That’s fair enough but we could have one without the scaremongering from both side especially the NHS on the bus one which conned a lot of people .
If we held another one and the result was the same, even after the previous 3 years, we'd just have to get on with it and accept that a large proportion of the country are irredeemably thick and/or racist
Ah yes. Sorry. All the 40% who didnt vote must be brexiteers. What about the percentage who didn't vote in the referendum? Can I claim them as Remainers?
Am I right in thinking Barnsley voted BNP and UKIP in, in previous European elections? What does this say about the town? Also, could this transfer in a General Election? Crazy times.
I think whilst it is tempting to pile up party votes and make the kind of extrapolation some are making, it isn't possible for two reasons: 1. Where would you put the labour vote given their equivocal stance on brexit 2. Some parties will have a rump of voters who would simply never vote for anyone else and a (probably much smaller number) may have voted for parties for reasons other than brexit. Perhaps some sense could be made of the swings.