I enjoy watching these podcasts. The latest one involves Leon Knight, and to be fair was really enjoying it up until the point John Parkin brought up Leon’s hate for our club. I knew he had a brief unsuccessful spell here but i wasn’t aware of his hate for barnsley. He spoke briefly about it in the podcast were he mentions his dad came to watch and sat in the stands at oakwell, allegedly his dad claims that monkey noises could be heard from the stands. Now Im not saying this didn’t happen however I’ve been going oakwell all my life and thankfully I’ve never heard anything like this before. I know some have mentioned it previously on here but to hear a ex professional mention this in public is deeply concerning. I mean Leon was here in 2007, these people who allegedly did this potentially still visit oakwell. Obviously I’m hoping nobody experiences disgusting behaviour like this anymore. So basically made me think, is racism still a thing at oakwell? Now I don’t mind people hating our club for whatever reasoning. But for someone to dislike us because they think of have experienced we’re a racist club doesn’t sit well with me.
I would be surprised if any club was free from racism.i personally haven't heard monkey chants but I can totally understand why he feels as he did when his father experienced what he did. Fans hate other clubs for less.
On balance I think I would believe him. We’ve some racist fans as have most clubs I’d assume. I’d hope however if people witness it it gets reported and the perpetrators have action taken
I heard racist comments and monkey chants coming from the ponty end in 2004-2005 aimed at Michael Chopra when we played Doncaster. It was foggy as ****, they crippled Mcphail we lost 3-1 and the thing i remember most is my dads disgust after the game at the racist behaviour we'd seen.
I was going home and away around that time. Season ticket holder in the Ponty end. Never heard monkey chants aimed at our own players but 100% at the opposition, along with other racist stuff. I can believe him.
I don’t think I’ve heard a monkey chant at Oakwell since about 1987. The bigger problem was Leon Knight being a really poor footballer.
I've heard fans in the east upper refer to our own player as a "black b*****d" this year. So can't say it surprises me that such chants were heard.
I heard rasict comments at home to villa a few years back. A lad with a mixed race lass also heard them and lost his head, so I can belive Leon knights dad. Are all barnsley fans racist knuckle draggers? No cause not out of 13k people you will always get a few uneducated morons unfortunately.
I can believe that there's a few idiots knocking around. At Wembley in 2016 I heard some guys who'd been found smoking in the toilets being racist towards a steward, who was pretty upset about it. Chanting in the crowd wouldn't be accepted by the people sat nearby, but one or two people saying something racist? I can imagine his dad having heard some idiot saying something nearby
I've heard the odd monkey chant and black bar steward comment during my time at oakwell but the worst incident was when Winston Campbell played for the mighty Reds and away fans used to throw bananas at him.
Oh no he’s an arse hole, but the podcast is a good listen. Well I didn’t realise how bad things used to be. I must be lucky to not have heard these things. You hear the odd borderline comment, but monkey chants I wouldn’t be able to keep quiet I don’t think. Hopefully I’m never in that situation.
i still hear the odd idiot shout something, i can remember in the 80's quite a large section of the ponty or paddock, you could switch at half time back then, often sang "we've got no n######s in our team" thankfully nothing like that happens now but i don't think english football will ever truly rid itself of racism
I was once in a team exhibiting our services at a Local Authority Association of Building Managers Exhibition in Swansea. In the evening Exhibitors and delegates had the chance to sit and chat together over a meal and a pint. Our group sat with officers and Councillors from the City of Newcastle upon Tyne. It must have been around November 2001, because in the October, we had lost 0-1 at Oakwell in the 3rd Round of the League Cup. Four of their group were Newcastle supporters and were asking me about the game. One of the Councillors asked his mate who had scored their goal. His reply was " Wor' Bl*ckie ." They were of course referring to their striker Andy Cole. Along with others, I was shocked, but came to realise by looking in his eyes that in no way was he meaning it to be malicious or racist. That lead on to us discussing racism. The guy who had asked the question went on to outline that he had once collected stickers from Robinsons jam jars to get his kids toy " Gollyw*gs" and that programmes like " Love thy neighbour" and the " Black and White Minstrel Show" were all regular and acceptable TV viewing He said he'd also had a "Jolly Sambo" money box. I've often wondered if we could meet up again some twenty years on, because of the offence they could cause,would their views have altered in anyway.? http://www.bbc.co.uk/ahistoryoftheworld/objects/yP-JuOnSSKixAyqKxoJ1NQ
I’d say back then and before some people were unaware of the offence these actions could cause . But there were plenty that were aware and continued and these were racists. Nowadays there’s plenty of awareness , information and knowledge of what is deemed racist and offensive what is not . There is no excuse of ignorance these days imo but the argument is now are some more racist than others in respect of they could never physically hurt anyone because of their race but!! Etc etc and that the ones who are physical etc are the racists . You couldn’t make it up but there are people who think like this from all divides . Imo it’ll never be completely eradicated just driven underground we’ll just have to be on our guard that these people are never given influential positions in life and keep opposing their vile ideals.
I think there's still a very small minority at many grounds who spout racist comments. I don't know whether what remains is down to truly malicious racism or ignorance of what they are saying (probably a bit of both) but comments aren't uncommon IMHO. Can't say I have noticed any chanting or "monkey noises" for nearly 30 years at Oakwell, although Ian Wright was definitely racially abused when we played Arsenal in 1995 The worst abuse/chanting I've ever heard at Oakwell was dished out by a significant number to Brian Deane and Tony Agana of Sheffield United in our two FA Cup replays against them back in 1990. It still disgusts me to think about it now and was utterly shameful.
Probably going back to our game v Newcastle in 1994 Donny Red, Andy Cole had gone to Man Utd in 1995 I think. Craig Bellamy scored their winner in 2001.
You're probably right Metatarsal. Didn't realise it was that long ago. I was at Ardley House with a couple of mates having a jar before the game and there were Newcastle players sitting on some settees near the entrance. Must have stopped there overnight. My memory is not what it once was, so thanks for that bud.