Allegedly According to Alistair Campbell and the BBC the knuckle draggers of the north are to be denied, if you add up all the points of Chelsea, Arsenal and Spurs it proves that London actually got more points than The Knuckle Draggers so London won.
I voted for Tony Blair back in 2005, last time I voted Labour. He got 35% of the vote. According to the new,improved remainers logic that means that if you add up all the other parties votes Labour didn't win. The moaning is tedious, the support for Brexit nationally is clear whether you like it or not.
In the off chance that you are actually serious and not on a wind up mission there are two points here 1. Our First Past the post system is fundamentally flawed with representation not reflecting the votes - Labour did have a majority of seats but not of votes 2. The Brexit party didnt get a majority of votes or seats If we pretend for a moment they are forming a government they couldnt do it without support from other parties, there arent enough seats for a no deal brexit even if you add the tory seats to the Brexit party seats so your logic is flawed whatever you say there is no way you can claim support for Brexit is clear - the country is split - There might be a majority of support for some form of Brexit though that is open to debate now, there is no possible way you can claim there is support for a no deal brexit as claimed by Farage or some of the Tory leadership candidates. PS the Brexit party didnt get 35% of the votes either - they actually got 31% - even if you include UKIP you only get to 35% but if you do that you have to count the remain parties together and then you get 40% No idea where we go from here but a hard brexit has less support from the electorate than remain does
I know yesterday was a bank holiday but to still be pissed the following morning is a good effort, well played.
You are wasting your time, the OP has read something on the internet that confirms his viewpoint so he’s repeated it as fact. It’s either a staggering lack of knowledge, understanding or a combination of the two.
How do you work that out? Only approx 35% of the electorate bothered to vote meaning twice the amount didn’t bother. The reasons why who knows but what it does show is anyone trying to claim moral or statistical victories over Brexit are either desperate or deluded. Oh and don’t forget the vote was for representatives not actual leave or remain
That is simply genius, probably the dumbest thing I’ve seen a leaver type. You might want to remind 100% of those who voted for the brexit party!!!!
I was responding to the claims by Trickser that the fact that the Brexit party was the biggest party = clear support for Brexit. Of course you cant claim anything is clear from the Euro elections but even if you do take the figures at face value its still only a sign that the electorate is split
Let's go No Deal. Give them what they want. The amorphous mass of consciousness that is 'the people' has revealed its will to the chosen one - he of the milkshake, who just so happens to be a former investment banker with a clear vested interest in the deregulation of the financial markets. He is but a conduit for the 'WILL!' Only he can interpret what it portends! Seriously, though....anyone that's up for a Nige-Deal-kamikaze-withdrawal (which is demonstrably mental, it truly is, we can discuss it at length, if you want) should be willing to make a hard and fast list of the concrete positive outcomes it will furnish - i.e. specific (and I mean specific) trading benefits, et al., not just 'no more of those EU laws we don't like'. This list should refer particularly to the benefits a no deal withdrawal will have for working class communities, such as Barnsley. Then in a few years when absolutely none of these benefits have come to fruition - indeed Barnsley, and equivalent traditionally 'working class communities', though particularly in the North East, will be further decimated, just like the Thatcherites want - we will at least have a few specific people to blame. Also, genuinely, I would be delighted if proved wrong. Should a post-Brexit, right-wing led government of bankers and Old Etonians invest heavily in the North, I will be over the moon. Not gonna happen, though is it. Jakey Palmer-Country-Pad-Anunziata-Rees-Horsey, the big banker-boy Nige, common-touch-Johnson, Marky 'pseudo-Para' Francois..stop me when I name a man of the people, by the way...are ALL Thatcherite past-dwellers. Moreover, they will all personally profit from the populism they sold leavers on. Good luck in the coming financial year, I guess. Simple, really. If you voted Brexit you're a Thatcherite Tory. There are no two ways about it. What's Maggie famous for, again? Reviving the North, was it?
in her favour at least she was a supporter of us staying in the EU - even if it did have an annoying habit of investing money in the more deprived areas of the UK such as former mining areas
It's more a spoilt brat stamping its feet, than a serious political party. Factor in the abstaining leavers & I reckon it's a dead heat. Not sure what Manchester City have to do with it, he's an odd fish that one..
Good rant, except for the last bit. Tories would have taken local seats, if that were true. Ignorant 'Sun readers' would have sufficed...