I agree in principle Marlon, what concerns me is that it it would leave the door open to any organised activists to screw with anything they don’t agree with
I agree but it’s just as bad the other way though because if Boris and et al get away with this . Our voting system is at stake imo anyone can run on a ticket and do the opposite onncevin power. Our justice system is a farce anyway as they make the laws and leave grey areas for millions to be made out of loopholes . I would say blatant lies like this need to be taken to task and made an example of on any politician from any party .
exactly pal,its all a compromise its obvious the eu has its pitfalls and critics but to carry on as tho they are not bothered what people think is a mistake and will only fuel far right extremism and i dont mean farage and the brexit party,i mean real far right nutters. you cant please everybody but if a few common sense directives were implemented then this would steady the ship.. of that i'm sure
Well the public decided in 1975 - so why did we need a 2nd referendum? The arguments are all circular... there is literally nothing to be gained from discussing any of it, and if 'whataboutery' is as close as you can get to making a point - you haven't got a point.
if we are talking blatant lies then we should have old gideon osbourne in the dock as he said that even in the event of a yes vote we would plummet into a recession like nowt we've had before,a million jobs gone, an emergency budget would have to be implemented immediately ,the stock market would collapse,and every family would be 4k a year worse off . none of this happened, brexiteers said it wouldnt and gideon and his chums said it would farage was called a liar when he told us a eu army was in the pipeline , cnutchops clegg even likened farages fantasies to fake moon landings... fast forward to november last year and both merkle and macron joined forces with junker in calls for a eu army.. cameron said article 50 would be triggered immediately if the vote was to leave numerous mp's including clegg and cameron said it was a once in a lifetime decision, now they are after a 2nd referendum the remain campaign said that if we voted to leave france would cancel the Le Touquet agreement (if you are unaware what this is, it is an agreement between the uk,france and belgium and is based around when and how migrants are processed) we are going to ned bigger busses to ship all the lying tw@ts to court
one reason is that the public were told there would be no further political union and that a united states of europe was out of the question., a common currency was also out of the question fisherman were told the common fisheries policy would have no adverse effect on their industry.. go to any fishing port and ask the trawlermen what they think of this lie the 1975 referendum was for a common trading bloc,the common market, not a common political union, this is why successive governments,after the signing of maastricht promised the people a referendum
we havnt and thats where our constitution falls short, many other countries do have it written into their constitution,including france and denmark
I’m a Remainer and recent first time Liberal voter so have little time for Boris. I do however see him as the Tory’s greatest asset with a populist appeal which belies his privileged background. I don’t like this private prosecution, it stinks of a political stunt and if the Boris spin team don’t make a positive out of this they aren’t worth their salt. Politicians stretching the truth? Shock horror! Prosecute them all and it’ll bring the criminal justice system to a grinding halt. Just another pathetic gesture in an age lacking all sense and reason.
So we could implement the EU rules around Freedom of Movement that most of the other countries have, but not the UK? - Which (like many of the problems people perceive with the EU) is entirely the fault of the UK government. As for being (or not) in the Single Market, 80% of the economy and 80% of jobs in the UK are in services. Not being in the single market and not having FoM throws a giant spanner into a slice of our economy worth over £100bn per year from the EU. The indirect hit to the economy will be several times that - every person selling into the EU pays taxes and NI into the UK, as well as paying for extra services - pubs, shops, taxis, restaurants, cleaning, legal, etc, etc.
He didn't just stretch the truth though. He said something that was completely wrong to gain votes, was corrected, then said it again. Then (a year or so later) his party tried to get the person who corrected him fired... If Boris had said something that was wrong, then on being corrected had apologised and not said it again, it could be written off as an honest mistake - which everyone makes. But repeating it again after admitting it was a lie is beyond the pale.
An establishment stunt, talk about lies, Blair anyone ? They'll do whatever it takes to prevent Brexit happening, Gina Miller and now this.
So there’s nowt to be done then on liars they rule supreme according to that . I said liars I didn’t discriminate between leave and remainers . The EU army is just that nobody’s made any official proposals that’s like saying anything suggested is gonna happen, that’s scare mongering in its purest. You can’t pass a WMC resolution on putting up price of a pint of beer on the majority the referendum produced .
no , far from it marlon, jail the lot of them if they are lying,regardless of which side they are on. btw,merkle,macron et al had talks last november about the mythical eu army https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/new...iet-as-eu-army-plan-marches-forward-1-9447331
Good point Dek, I'm pretty sure that if Corbyn ever got in there's little that would please him more than disbanding the British Army, opponents of his beloved freedom fighters across the irish sea.
Without a doubt Marlon, it seems selling arms is something we're not bad at. But if it wasn't us....... The point being handing over control of our armed forces would be the second to last nail in the coffin of our sovereignty,
You’re seriously suggesting that those MP’s leading the charge for remain where squeaky clean and never expressed anything than pure truth! And tbh we don’t actually know any facts at this stage - unless you are his housekeeper.
Freedom fighters...lol .I'd stop reading and believing the Tory press.. Are we not forgetting who's in bed with the tories making up this **** government.. For as many photos of JC and the IRA there is the same amount of Tories with all Irish parties but the press don't publish these... Its been a constant onslaught of discrediting JC since he was elected Labour leader.. Ever asked yourselves why... He's objected to every conflict there's been whilst an MP and as yet to my best knowledge hasn't been proved wrong with his argument.. Everybody and their grandma knows trident is outdated... Wars in Lybia Afghanistan and the Arab spring have done nothing but worsen the safety of the world but yet the war mongers and the elite all slate JC for calling it has it is.. And asking for more dialogue... The bloke is straight forward and gets slated for it..
The EU army. It's never going to happen. We have a veto. However, we no longer have an army large enough to operate effectively anywhere on our own. We therefore need to cooperate with others of similar values. I'd rather cooperate with the likes of France, Germany, Holland than be constantly at the front of the queue when Donald Trump wants a coalition shouting "pick me, pick me".
I've heard the comments - "we know what we voted for" many times. You can't deny though that some people will have believed every word of Boris's lie about the funding, which I believe to be the biggest mistruth by a politician in this country ever - I can't remember a worse example. I remember Boris campaigning during the referendum and a woman came up to him and said "there's 80 million of them waiting to come here if we stay in isn't there?" Boris just looked slightly embarrassed and walked off. He knew that was a lie - she didn't, obviously believing arch liar Farridge with his claims.